Смотреть что такое "tram-car" в других словарях:
Tram car — Tram Tram, n. [Prov. E. tram a coal wagon, the shaft of a cart or carriage, a beam or bar; probably of Scand, origin; cf. OSw. tr[*a]m, trum, a beam, OD. drom, Prov. & OHG. tram.] 1. A four wheeled truck running on rails, and used in a mine, as… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
tram|car — «TRAM KAHR», noun. 1. British. a streetcar. 2. Mining. a tram … Useful english dictionary
tram·car — /ˈtræmˌkɑɚ/ noun, pl cars [count] chiefly Brit : ↑streetcar … Useful english dictionary
tram-car — … Useful english dictionary
Tram — Tram, n. [Prov. E. tram a coal wagon, the shaft of a cart or carriage, a beam or bar; probably of Scand, origin; cf. OSw. tr[*a]m, trum, a beam, OD. drom, Prov. & OHG. tram.] 1. A four wheeled truck running on rails, and used in a mine, as for… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Tram plate — Tram Tram, n. [Prov. E. tram a coal wagon, the shaft of a cart or carriage, a beam or bar; probably of Scand, origin; cf. OSw. tr[*a]m, trum, a beam, OD. drom, Prov. & OHG. tram.] 1. A four wheeled truck running on rails, and used in a mine, as… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Tram pot — Tram Tram, n. [Prov. E. tram a coal wagon, the shaft of a cart or carriage, a beam or bar; probably of Scand, origin; cf. OSw. tr[*a]m, trum, a beam, OD. drom, Prov. & OHG. tram.] 1. A four wheeled truck running on rails, and used in a mine, as… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Car — Car, n. [OF. car, char, F. cahr, fr. L. carrus, Wagon: a Celtic word; cf. W. car, Armor. karr, Ir. & Gael. carr. cf. {Chariot}.] 1. A small vehicle moved on wheels; usually, one having but two wheels and drawn by one horse; a cart. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Car coupler — Car Car, n. [OF. car, char, F. cahr, fr. L. carrus, Wagon: a Celtic word; cf. W. car, Armor. karr, Ir. & Gael. carr. cf. {Chariot}.] 1. A small vehicle moved on wheels; usually, one having but two wheels and drawn by one horse; a cart. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Car coupling — Car Car, n. [OF. car, char, F. cahr, fr. L. carrus, Wagon: a Celtic word; cf. W. car, Armor. karr, Ir. & Gael. carr. cf. {Chariot}.] 1. A small vehicle moved on wheels; usually, one having but two wheels and drawn by one horse; a cart. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Tram — Tram, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Trammed}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Tramming}.] To convey or transport on a tramway or on a tram car. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English