train deceleration
Смотреть что такое "train deceleration" в других словарях:
décélération — [ deselerasjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1910; de dé et (ac)célération ♦ Accélération négative d un mouvement, réduction de la vitesse d un mobile. « moi, dans la masse humaine compacte qui oscille au gré des accélérations et décélérations du train » (Tournier) … Encyclopédie Universelle
Train gravitationnel — Ascenseur utilisant le principe de train gravitationnel. L ascenseur est en chute libre à travers une section de la planète. Boris Vian est connu pour avoir proposé une idée digne d Alphonse Allais : construire un plan incliné de Paris à… … Wikipédia en Français
Emergency brake (train) — This article is about emergency brakes on trains. For emergency brakes in cars, see hand brake. Driver s brake handle in a UK Electric Multiple Unit On trains, the expression emergency brake has several meanings: The maximum brake force available … Wikipedia
Automatic Train Control — Japanese style ATC indicator. Automatic Train Control (ATC) is a train protection system for railways, ensuring the safe and smooth operation of trains on ATC enabled lines. Its main advantages include making possible the use of cab signalling… … Wikipedia
1987 Maryland train collision — 1987 Chase, Maryland train collision Details Date January 4, 1987 Time 1:04 pm Location Chase, Baltimore County, Maryland Country United States Rail line Northeast Corridor … Wikipedia
Maglev train proposals — This is a list of proposed Maglev trains worldwide. Europe Germany Munich: A Transrapid connection of the Bavarian capital Munich to its international airport (37 km) had been planned. It promised to reduce the current connection time via S Bahn… … Wikipedia
MTR M-Train EMU — Infobox Train background = name = M Train imagesize = 250px caption = M Trains passing through the tunnel mouth interior interiorcaption = Interior of the refurbished M Train InService = Manufacturer = Factory = Family = Built = Refurbishment =… … Wikipedia
Taiwan High Speed 700T train — Infobox EMU name = 700T Series Shinkansen imagesize = 240px caption = A THSR 700T train InService = 2007 Present Manufacturer = Hitachi, Kawasaki HI, Nippon Sharyo Family = Built = Refurbishment = Formation = 12 cars per trainset Operator = THSR… … Wikipedia
Hitachi (train) — Infobox EMU background = name = Hitachi imagesize = 300px caption = Connex refurbished Hitachi at Flinders Street Station interior interiorcaption = Interior of an unrefurbished Hitachi carriage InService = Manufacturer = Commonwealth Engineering … Wikipedia
Gravity train — [ free falls through a section of the planet to arrive at a destination on the other side.] A gravity train is a theoretical means of transportation intended to go between two points on the surface of a sphere, following a straight tunnel that… … Wikipedia
High Speed Train — « HST » redirige ici. Pour le télescope astronomique en orbite autour de la Terre, voir Télescope spatial Hubble … Wikipédia en Français