trailing time

trailing time
длительность среза (импульса)

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "trailing time" в других словарях:

  • Trailing — The most recent time period, often used to describe the time that a particular set of data is referring to. Trailing is used to describe a past statistic, such as same store sales, but can also be used to describe a technique, such as a trailing… …   Investment dictionary

  • Trailing twelve months — In finance, the trailing twelve months (TTM) is a moving measurement calculated using a company s interim or quarterly reports together with its annual report to show the twelve months of income statement data trailing the end date of an interim… …   Wikipedia

  • Trailing Stop — A stop loss order set at a percentage level below the market price for a long position. The trailing stop price is adjusted as the price fluctuates. The trailing stop order can be placed as a trailing stop limit order, or a trailing stop market… …   Investment dictionary

  • Time-out (sport) — In sports, a time out refers to a stoppage in the match for a short amount of time. This allows for the coaches of either team to communicate with the team, e.g. to determine strategy or inspire morale. Time outs are usually called by coaches or… …   Wikipedia

  • List of works with the equal transit-time fallacy — NOTOC This is a partial list of works with the equal transit time fallacy presented as truth. [ *1940s*| quote = If the air mass travels a greater distance in the same time it must move faster in order to reach the trailing edge of the wing in… …   Wikipedia

  • Date and time notation in Spain — Date In Spain the date order is day, month, year despite separators, roman numerals for the month part and/or length for the year part. There is not a single fixed symbol for the separator, the most used being the slash and the hyphen. Sometimes… …   Wikipedia

  • Garbage time — Garbage time, also known as junk time , is a term used in American sports (most commonly, basketball and football) parlance to refer to the period at the end of a timed sporting event when the outcome of the game has already been decided, and the …   Wikipedia

  • pulse trailing-edge time — impulso kritimo trukmė statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. pulse decay time; pulse trailing edge time vok. Impulsabfallzeit, f; Impulsabklingzeit, f; Impulshinterflankendauer, f rus. время спада импульса, n; длительность спада импульса,… …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • Date and time notation by country — Different style conventions and habits exist around the world for dates and times in writing and speaking. Examples:*The order that a year, month, and day are written. *How weeks are identified. *The 24 hour clock and/or the 12 hour clock. *The… …   Wikipedia

  • Just-in-time (business) — Just in time (JIT) is an inventory strategy implemented to improve the return on investment of a business by reducing in process inventory and its associated carrying costs. In order to achieve JIT the process must have signals of what is going… …   Wikipedia

  • Team time trial — A team time trial (TTT) is a road based bicycle race in which teams of cyclists race against the clock (see individual time trial for a more detailed description of ITT events).Teams start at equal intervals, usually two, three or four minutes… …   Wikipedia

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