trailing of point

trailing of point
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Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "trailing of point" в других словарях:

  • Trailing zero — In mathematics, trailing zeros are a sequence of 0s in the decimal representation (or more generally, in any positional representation) of a number, after which no other digits follow.Trailing zeros to the right of a decimal point, as in 12.3400 …   Wikipedia

  • Trailing twelve months — In finance, the trailing twelve months (TTM) is a moving measurement calculated using a company s interim or quarterly reports together with its annual report to show the twelve months of income statement data trailing the end date of an interim… …   Wikipedia

  • Trailing arm — A trailing arm suspension is an automobile suspension design in which one or more arms (or links ) are connected between (and perpendicular to and forward of) the axle and the chassis. It is usually used on rear axles. A leading arm as used on a… …   Wikipedia

  • trailing-point switch — noun : a switch so set that the points are directed away from a passing train distinguished from facing point switch …   Useful english dictionary

  • Floating point — In computing, floating point describes a method of representing real numbers in a way that can support a wide range of values. Numbers are, in general, represented approximately to a fixed number of significant digits and scaled using an exponent …   Wikipedia

  • USCGC Point Welcome (WPB-82329) — USCGC|Point Welcome|WPB 82329 was a Point class cutter of the United States Coast Guard. She was notable for being the victim of an inter service friendly fire incident during the Vietnam War.The Point Welcome was built at the Coast Guard Yard in …   Wikipedia

  • Stagnation point — The stagnation point is a point on the surface of a body submerged in a fluid flow where the fluid velocity is zero. The Bernoulli equation shows that the static pressure is highest when the velocity is zero. The velocity is zero at stagnation… …   Wikipedia

  • facing-point switch — noun : a railroad switch so set that a train faces the points as it passes them distinguished from trailing point switch …   Useful english dictionary

  • Lagrangian point — one of the solutions to the three body problem discovered by the eighteenth century French mathematician Lagrange. The two stable Lagrangian points, L 4 and L 5, lie in the orbit of the primary body, leading and trailing it by a 60 degree arc.… …   Mechanics glossary

  • asteroid — asteroidal, adj. /as teuh royd /, n. 1. Also called minor planet. Astron. any of the thousands of small bodies of from 480 miles (775 km) to less than one mile (1.6 km) in diameter that revolve about the sun in orbits lying mostly between those… …   Universalium

  • Dione (moon) — Not to be confused with the asteroid called 106 Dione. For other uses, see Dione. Dione Cassini view of Dione s leading hemisphere. The large craters on or near the terminator are (from bottom to top) Evander, Erulus, Lagus and Sagaris. The… …   Wikipedia

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