Смотреть что такое "tragicalness" в других словарях:
Tragicalness — Tragic Trag ic, Tragical Trag ic*al, a. [L. tragicus, Gr.?: cf. F. tragique.] 1. Of or pertaining to tragedy; of the nature or character of tragedy; as, a tragic poem; a tragic play or representation. [1913 Webster] 2. Fatal to life; mournful;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
tragicalness — See tragically. * * * … Universalium
tragicalness — noun The state or quality of being tragical … Wiktionary
tragicalness — trag·i·cal·ness … English syllables
tragicalness — noun see tragical … Useful english dictionary
Petar Perunović — (Serbian Cyrillic: Петар Перуновић), nicknamed Perun1, was a famous Montenegrin and Serbian Gusle player. Petar Perunovic was born in 1880 in the village of Drenovštica in Plješivci, Princedom of Montenegro. He was a natural talent and started to … Wikipedia
tragic — tragically, adv. tragicalness, n. /traj ik/, adj. 1. characteristic or suggestive of tragedy: tragic solemnity. 2. extremely mournful, melancholy, or pathetic: a tragic plight. 3. dreadful, calamitous, disastrous, or fatal: a tragic event. 4. of … Universalium
tragic — /ˈtrædʒɪk / (say trajik) adjective Also, tragical. 1. characteristic or suggestive of tragedy: tragic solemnity. 2. mournful, melancholy, or pathetic in the extreme: a tragic expression. 3. dreadful, calamitous, or fatal: a tragic death. 4.… …
tragic — [traj′ik] adj. [L tragicus < Gr tragikos] 1. of, or having the nature of, tragedy 2. like or characteristic of tragedy; bringing great harm, suffering, etc.; calamitous, disastrous, fatal, etc. 3. appropriate to the acting of tragedy [in a… … English World dictionary