Смотреть что такое "tradesmen" в других словарях:
Tradesmen — Tradesman Trades man, n.; pl. {Tradesmen}. 1. One who trades; a shopkeeper. [1913 Webster] 2. A mechanic or artificer; esp., one whose livelihood depends upon the labor of his hands. [U. S.] Burrill. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
tradesmen's club — /ˈtreɪdzmənz klʌb/ (say traydzmuhnz klub) noun an organisation providing food, drink, entertainment, and other services. {originally established for tradesmen in a particular location} …
tradesmen — trades·man || treɪdzmÉ™n n. man engaged in trade; worker skilled in a trade, craftsman; shopkeeper … English contemporary dictionary
tradesmen's entrance — n British the anus. A vulgar euphemism often used jocularly, dating from the 1940s when even middle class houses might have a rear or side entrance for hawkers, deliveries, etc … Contemporary slang
Detroit Tradesmen Rugby Club — Detroit Tradesmen Rugby Football Club Union USA Rugby, Michigan Rugby Union, Division I and Division III Founded 1978 Ground(s) Glenn W. Levey Middle School, Southfield, MI … Wikipedia
General Society of Mechanics and Tradesmen of the City of New York — The General Society of Mechanics and Tradesmen of the City of New York was founded on 1785 11 17 to provide cultural, educational and social services to families of skilled craftsmen by twenty two artisans to promote the political and financial… … Wikipedia
MyHammer — Infobox Dotcom company company name = MyHammer company company type = PLC genre = foundation = Neuss, Germany (2005) founder = location city = Neuss location country = Germany location = locations = area served = key people = Management board:… … Wikipedia
MyBuilder — is a UK based, independent, online marketplace that connects homeowners with builders and tradesmen.[1] Using MyBuilder is free for homeowners,[2] but builders are charged when they secure work through the website.[3] MyBuilder aims … Wikipedia
Tradesman — This article is about the skilled manual worker meaning of the term; for other uses see Tradesperson (disambiguation) A tradesman is a skilled manual worker in a particular trade or craft. Economically and socially, a tradesman s status is… … Wikipedia
Construction worker — Carpenter at work in Tennessee, June 1942 Occupation Activity sectors Construction Description Competencies Manual dex … Wikipedia
Grand Challenge Cup — The Grand Challenge Cup is a rowing competition for men s eights. It is the oldest and most prestigious event at the annual Henley Royal Regatta on the River Thames at Henley on Thames in England. It is open to male crews from all eligible rowing … Wikipedia