trade-in price
Смотреть что такое "trade-in price" в других словарях:
trade-in price — The price of your old car when you are selling it in part exchange for another one … Dictionary of automotive terms
trade-in price — / treɪd ɪn praɪs/, trade in allowance / treɪd ɪn əˌlaυəns/ noun an amount allowed by the seller for an old item being traded in for a new one … Marketing dictionary in english
trade-in — trade′ in n. 1) goods given in whole or, usu., part payment of a purchase: We used our old car as a trade in for the new one[/ex] 2) a business transaction involving a trade in 3) of or pertaining to the valuation of goods used in a trade in:… … From formal English to slang
trade-in — n AmE a used car, piece of equipment etc that you give to a seller of a new one that you are buying as part of the payment British Equivalent: part exchange ▪ Are you going to give your Ford as a trade in? trade in price/value ▪ The trade in… … Dictionary of contemporary English
trade — The act or the business of buying and selling for money; traffic; barter. May v. Sloan, 101 U.S. 231, 25 L.Ed. 797. Purchase and sale of goods and services between businesses, states or nations. Trade is not a technical word and is ordinarily… … Black's law dictionary
Trade — A verbal (or electronic) transaction involving one party buying a security from another party. Once a trade is consummated, it is considered done or final. Settlement occurs 1 5 business days later. The New York Times Financial Glossary * * * ▪ I … Financial and business terms
trade — An oral (or electronic) transaction involving one party buying a security from another party. Once a trade is consummated, it is considered done or final. settlement occurs 1 5 business days later. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary A trade is a deal … Financial and business terms
trade — trade1 W1S3 [treıd] n ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(buying/selling)¦ 2 the hotel/tourist etc trade 3¦(amount of business)¦ 4¦(an exchange of things)¦ 5 the trade 6¦(job/work)¦ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ [Date: 1300 1400; : Middle Low German; Origin: course, way, track ] … Dictionary of contemporary English
trade-in — noun (C) AmE a used item, often a car, given to reduce the price of the new one that you are buying; partexchange BrE: Are you going to give your Ford as a trade in? | trade in price/value/figure: The trade in value of the car is roughly $3000 … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
price — See basic price end of lease purchase price final purchase price fixed price selling list price manufacturer s suggested retail price one price selling purchase price sticker price … Dictionary of automotive terms
trade-in — /trayd in /, n. 1. goods given in whole or, usually, part payment of a purchase: We used our old car as a trade in for the new one. 2. a business transaction involving a trade in. adj. 3. of or pertaining to the valuation of goods used in a trade … Universalium