trade relations

trade relations
торговые связи

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "trade relations" в других словарях:

  • trade relations — level of communication between two parties which are negotiating matters, relationship between a vendor and a buyer …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Permanent normal trade relations — The status of permanent normal trade relations (PNTR) is a legal designation in the United States for free trade with a foreign nation. In the U.S. the name was changed from most favored nation (MFN) to PNTR in 1998. In international trade, MFN… …   Wikipedia

  • Bulgarian-American Trade Relations — Bulgarian American trade has grown steadily since Bulgaria changed from a socialist to a market economy, and particularly since Bulgaria joined NATO in 2004 and the European Union in 2007. In 2007, the first and second largest investments in the… …   Wikipedia

  • Permanent Normal Trade Relations — (PNTR) status is a legal designation in the United States for free trade with a foreign nation. In the U.S. the name was changed from Most Favored Nation (MFN) to PNTR in 1998.ApplicabilityGranting of Permanent Normal Trade Relations status is… …   Wikipedia

  • Canada–United States trade relations — The United States and Canada have the largest and most comprehensive trade relationship in the world. [] In 2006, total merchandise trade between the two countries consisted of $303.4… …   Wikipedia

  • trade —    Wide ranging and intensive trade, especially foreign trade, was absolutely essential to the prosperity and success of the ancient Mesopotamian cultures. This was because Mesopotamia was and still is deficient in many important natural… …   Ancient Mesopotamia dictioary

  • Trade policy of the United States — United States trade policy has varied widely through various American historical and industrial periods. As a major developed nation, the U.S. has relied heavily on the import of raw materials and the export of finished goods. Because of the… …   Wikipedia

  • trade agreement — Any contractual arrangement between states concerning their trade relations. Trade agreements may be bilateral or multilateral, that is, between two states or more than two. For most countries international trade is regulated by unilateral… …   Universalium

  • Trade unions in South Africa — have a history dating back to the 1880s. From the beginning unions could be viewed as a reflection of the racial disunity of the country, with the earliest unions being predominantly for white workers. cite book year = 2005 title = Trade Unions… …   Wikipedia

  • Trade unions in Ghana — have a total membership of over 350,000 out of a total workforce of around 9 million. There are two national trade union centers, the Trades Union Congress of Ghana and the Ghana Federation of Labour. [ [ …   Wikipedia

  • trade unions —    Trade unions are associations of workers who combine to safeguard their collective interest and to maintain or improve their working conditions and wage levels. Union aims can be industrial, social or political. They are either closed… …   Encyclopedia of contemporary British culture

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