- trade classification
- товарная классификация
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Standard International Trade Classification — (SITC) is a classification of goods used to classify the exports and imports of a country to enable comparing different countries and years. The classification system is maintained by the United Nations. The SITC classification, currently at… … Wikipedia
Standard International Trade Classification — In diesem Artikel oder Abschnitt fehlen folgende wichtige Informationen: genauer auf Einordnung eingehen, das ist so unverständlich Du kannst Wikipedia helfen, indem du sie recherchierst und einfügst … Deutsch Wikipedia
Standard International Trade Classification — [ stændəd ɪntə næʃnl treɪd klæsɪfɪ keɪʃn, englisch], Abkürzung SITC, ein internationales Warenverzeichnis … Universal-Lexikon
Standard International Trade Classification — A commonly used classification system for internationally traded goods and services. The system consists of 9 sections (numbered 0 through 9), each section is split into divisions, and the divisions are further split into groups. The acronym… … International financial encyclopaedia
Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) — ⇡ SITC … Lexikon der Economics
Trade bloc — A trade bloc is a large free trade area formed by one or more tax, tariff and trade agreements. Typically trade pacts that define such a bloc specify formal adjudication bodies, e.g., North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) trade panels. This … Wikipedia
Classification schemes for indigenous languages of the Americas — This article is a list of different language classification proposals developed for indigenous languages of the Americas. The article is divided into North, Central, and South America sections; however, the classifications do not always neatly… … Wikipedia
Classification society — A classification society is a non governmental organization that establishes and maintains technical standards for the construction and operation of ships and offshore structures. The society will also validate that construction is according to… … Wikipedia
Classification yard — North Yard in Denver, Colorado, a typical U.S. classification yard in 2009 … Wikipedia
Classification of Champagne vineyards — Map of the Champagne wine region. The classification of Champagne vineyards developed in the mid 20th century as a means of setting the price of grapes grown through the villages of the Champagne wine region. Unlike the classification of Bordeaux … Wikipedia
trade association — A classification of voluntary unincorporated associations; an association organized for the purposes of trade. 6 Am J2d Asso & C § 2. An association of persons in the same trade or industrial operation for the purpose of gathering and… … Ballentine's law dictionary