Смотреть что такое "tradable" в других словарях:
tradable — trad‧a‧ble [ˈtreɪdəbl] also tradeable adjective COMMERCE if something is tradable, you can buy and sell it: • The potential pool of tradable bank loans is huge. • big, easily tradable stocks * * * … Financial and business terms
tradable — index marketable Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
Tradable — A tradable good or service can be sold in another location distant from where it was produced. A good that is not tradable is called non tradable. Different goods have differing levels of tradability: the higher the cost of transportation and the … Wikipedia
tradable — adjective Capable of being traded. Oil is a tradable commodity … Wiktionary
tradable — trade ► NOUN 1) the buying and selling of goods and services. 2) a commercial activity of a particular kind: the tourist trade. 3) a job requiring manual skills and special training. 4) (the trade) (treated as sing. or pl. ) the people engaged in … English terms dictionary
tradable instrument display mnemonic — ( TIDM) The mnemonic code is allocated by the Exchange and used to identify a tradable instrument. Used to be called an EPIC code. London Stock Exchange Glossary … Financial and business terms
Tradable Energy Quotas — For other uses, see TEQ. TEQs (Tradable Energy Quotas) is a proposal for a national emissions and energy trading scheme that includes personal carbon trading as a central element. It is the subject of significant interest from the UK Government,… … Wikipedia
Tradable smoking pollution permits — As an alternative to smoking bans, some economists have proposed a system of tradable smoking permits as a solution to the problem of cigarette smoking externalities in public bars and restaurants. Tradable smoking pollution permit systems work… … Wikipedia
tradable — adjective see trade II … New Collegiate Dictionary
tradable — See trade. * * * … Universalium
tradable — … Bryson’s dictionary for writers and editors