tracking out
Смотреть что такое "tracking out" в других словарях:
Tracking Stock — Tracking Stocks (Geschäftsbereichsaktien, auch Targeted Stock, Mirror Stock, Letter Stock und Alphabet Stock genannt) sind Aktien, die sich nur auf einen bestimmten Geschäftsbereich eines Unternehmens beziehen. Die Inhaber dieser meist… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Tracking (hunting) — Tracking in hunting and ecology is the science and art of observing a place through animal footprints and other signs, including: tracks, beds, chews, scat, hair, etc. Specifically, mapping a changing landscape and soaking up sensory data like a… … Wikipedia
Tracking (education) — Tracking (also called ability grouping or streaming) is the practice, in education, of placing students into different groups within a school, based on academic abilitiescite journal | last=Ansalone | first= George | year=2003 | title=Poverty,… … Wikipedia
Tracking (freeflying) — Tracking, one of the first freefall skills learnt by a novice skydiver, is the technique of assuming a body position that allows the skydiver to move horizontally while freefalling.Although there are many variations of the basic body position it… … Wikipedia
Out of Time (Heroes) — Out of Time Heroes episode White Beard s camp explodes. Episode no … Wikipedia
Out of Bounds (1986 film) — Out of Bounds Out of Bounds movie poster Directed by Richard Tuggle Produced by Charles W. Fries (p … Wikipedia
Out of Reach (film) — Out of Reach Directed by Po Chih Leong Written by Trevor Miller James Townsend … Wikipedia
tracking shot — (or truck) a smooth shot in which the camera moves alongside ( tracking within ) the subject, usually mounted on a dolly, in a side to side motion (relative to the scene or the action); also known as following shot; sometimes used… … Glossary of cinematic terms
tracking stock — Best defined with an example. Suppose Company A purchases a business from Company B and pays B with 1 million shares of A s stock. The agreement provides that B cannot sell the 1 million shares for 60 days, and also prohibits B from hedging by… … Financial and business terms
Tracking animal migration — For years scientists have been tracking animals and the ways they migrate. Many have done this for research, some have done this to help animals and monitor them. Technologies for tracking In the fall of 1803, American Naturalist John James… … Wikipedia
Tracking shot — During filming of The Alamo, a tracking shot was used during a battle scene In motion picture terminology, a tracking shot (also known as a dolly shot or trucking shot) is a segment in which the camera is mounted on a camera dolly, a wheeled… … Wikipedia