- toxiferous
- бот., зоол. содержащий яд, несущий яд (ботаника) (зоология) содержащий яд, несущий яд
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
toxiferous — index lethal, malignant, pernicious, pestilent Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
toxiferous — (ˈ)täk|sif(ə)rəs adjective Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary tox (I) + ferous : producing or conveying poison a toxiferous gland … Useful english dictionary
toxiferous — SYN: poisonous. [toxi + L. fero, to bear] * * * tox·if·er·ous (tok sifґər əs) [toxi + ferous] 1. carrying or conveying a poison. 2. toxicogenic … Medical dictionary
toxiferous — producing or bearing poison Bearing and Carrying … Phrontistery dictionary
toxiferous — tox·if·er·ous … English syllables
not toxiferous — index nontoxic Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
poisonous — Characterized by, having the characteristics of, or containing a poison. SYN: toxic (1), toxicant (1), toxiferous, venenous. * * * poi·son·ous pȯiz nəs, ən əs adj having the properties or effects of poison: VENOMOUS … Medical dictionary
veneniferous — Conveying poison, as through a sting or bite. [L. venenifer, fr. venenum, poison, + fero, to carry] * * * ven·e·nif·er·ous .ven ə nif (ə )rəs adj bearing or transmitting poison and esp. a natural venom * * * ven·e·nif·er·ous (ven″ə… … Medical dictionary
lethal — I adjective annihilative, baleful, baneful, dangerous, deadly, death bringing, death dealing, deathly, destructive, evil, exitialis, fatal, fell, feral, funestus, harmful, hurtful, injurious, internecine, internecive, killing, lethiferous,… … Law dictionary
malignant — I adjective atrocious, baleful, baneful, barbarous, bitter, blackhearted, bloodthirsty, brutal, brutish, cancerous, caustic, cold blooded, coldhearted, consuming, corrosive, cruel, damaging, dangerous, deadly, death bringing, death dealing,… … Law dictionary
nontoxic — I adjective benign, harmless, hurtless, innocent, innocuous, innoxious, inoffensive, nonfatal, nonirritating, nonlethal, nonmalignant, nonpoisonous, nonvenomous, nonvirulent, not baneful, not dangerous, not deadly, not deleterious, not pernicious … Law dictionary