tower of fields

tower of fields
мат. башня полей

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "tower of fields" в других словарях:

  • Tower Hill (volcano) — Tower Hill is an dormant volcano on the southwest coast of Victoria, Australia. It formed at least 30,000 years ago when rising basaltic magma struck the subterranean water table. A violent explosion followed and created a funnel shaped crater,… …   Wikipedia

  • Tower of London — For other uses, see Tower of London (disambiguation) Coordinates: 51°30′29″N 0°4′34″W / 51.50806°N 0.07611°W / 51 …   Wikipedia

  • Tower of Babel — The Tower of Babel ( he. מגדל בבל Migdal Bavel ar. برج بابل Burj Babil ) is a structure featured in chapter 11 of the Book of Genesis, an enormous tower intended as the crowning achievement of the city of Babilu, the Akkadian name for Babylon.… …   Wikipedia

  • Tower of Babel (disambiguation) — The Tower of Babel in the Old Testament was a tower built by a united humanity to reach the heavens.Tower of Babel may also refer to:In gaming:* Tower of Babel (board game), board game by Reiner Knizia * Tower Of Babel (computer game), computer… …   Wikipedia

  • Fields, Dame Gracie — orig. Grace Stansfield born Jan. 9, 1898, Rochdale, Lancashire, Eng. died Sept. 27, 1979, Capri, Italy English music hall comedienne. She performed in music halls from age 13 and gained notice in the touring revue Mr. Tower of London (1918–25).… …   Universalium

  • Fields, Dame Gracie — orig. Grace Stansfield (9 ene. 1898, Rochdale, Lancashire, Inglaterra–27 sep. 1979, Capri, Italia). Comediante inglesa de music hall. A la edad de trece años comenzó a actuar en diversos music halls, y se dio a conocer en la gira de la revista… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Tensor product of fields — In abstract algebra, the theory of fields lacks a direct product: the direct product of two fields, considered as a ring is never itself a field. On the other hand it is often required to join two fields K and L, either in cases where K and L are …   Wikipedia

  • Old Church Tower at Nuenen — ( The Peasants Churchyard), 1884, Foundation E.G. Bührle Collection, Zürich (F88) Old Church Tower at Nuenen (or The Peasants Churchyard) are names given to several oil paintings and drawings created in 1884 and 1885 by Vincent van Gogh. Most… …   Wikipedia

  • St Martin-in-the-Fields — For the civil parish abolished in 1922, see St Martin in the Fields (parish). For the chamber orchestra, see Academy of St Martin in the Fields. St Martin in the Fields St Martin in the Fields, London Country United Ki …   Wikipedia

  • Bertram Fields — (born March 31, 1929) is a Harvard trained American lawyer famous for his work in the field of entertainment law; he has represented many of the leading studios, as well as individual celebrities including The Beatles, Warren Beatty, James… …   Wikipedia

  • Bert Fields — BertFields Bertram Fields (March 31, 1929) is an American lawyer famous for his work in the field of entertainment law; he has represented many of the leading studios, as well as individual celebrities including Michael Jackson, The Beatles,… …   Wikipedia

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