Смотреть что такое "toughie" в других словарях:
toughie — or toughy [tuf′ē] n. pl. toughies Informal 1. a tough person; ruffian 2. a difficult problem or situation … English World dictionary
toughie — UK [ˈtʌfɪ] / US noun [countable] Word forms toughie : singular toughie plural toughies informal 1) a difficult question or problem 2) someone who is physically or mentally strong … English dictionary
toughie — /tuf ee/, n. Informal. 1. a tough person, esp. one who is belligerent. 2. a difficult problem or situation: That math test was a real toughie! 3. a harsh or blunt book, movie, etc. Also, toughy. [1920 25; TOUGH + IE] * * * … Universalium
toughie — noun Something that is tough, or difficult. His question is a toughie. I might have to do some more research … Wiktionary
toughie — also toughy noun (plural toughies) Date: 1921 one that is tough: as a. a loud rough rowdy person b. a difficult problem or question … New Collegiate Dictionary
toughie — (Roget s Thesaurus II) noun Informal. A rough, violent person who engages in destructive actions: hoodlum, mug, roughneck, rowdy, ruffian, tough. Slang: hood, punk. See ATTACK, CRIMES … English dictionary for students
toughie — tough|ie [ tʌfi ] noun count INFORMAL 1. ) a difficult question or problem 2. ) someone who is physically or mentally strong … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
toughie — tough·ie || tÊŒfɪ n. person who is tough; something difficult; particularly difficult problem, difficult question … English contemporary dictionary
toughie — noun informal 1》 a person who is tough and determined. 2》 a difficult problem or question … English new terms dictionary
toughie — tough·ie … English syllables
toughie — tough•ie or tough•y [[t]ˈtʌf i[/t]] n. pl. tough•ies. Informal. 1) inf a tough person; rowdy 2) inf a difficult problem or situation • Etymology: 1920–25 … From formal English to slang