- tough luck
- несчастье, неудача;
горькая доля
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
tough luck — {n. phr.} An informal way to say that one had that coming; it serves one right. * /So your date didn t show up, eh? Tough luck, fellow./ … Dictionary of American idioms
tough luck — {n. phr.} An informal way to say that one had that coming; it serves one right. * /So your date didn t show up, eh? Tough luck, fellow./ … Dictionary of American idioms
tough luck — is bad luck … The small dictionary of idiomes
tough luck — I do not have any sympathy for your problems. Anyone who misses three classes will fail, and if you don t like it, tough luck! Usage notes: sometimes used to say you are sorry that someone is having problems: If a beggar approached us, she would… … New idioms dictionary
tough luck — that is bad luck for you, tough bananas I lost $100 betting on Tyson. Tough luck, guy … English idioms
tough luck — AND tough cookies interj. That is too bad. □ Tough luck, but that’s the way the cookie crumbles. □ That’s too bad, tough cookies … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
tough\ luck — n. phr. An informal way to say that one had that coming; it serves one right. So your date didn t show up, eh? Tough luck, fellow … Словарь американских идиом
tough luck — noun an unfortunate state resulting from unfavorable outcomes • Syn: ↑misfortune, ↑bad luck, ↑ill luck • Ant: ↑good luck (for: ↑bad luck), ↑good fortune ( … Useful english dictionary
tough luck — 1. noun bad luck 2. interjection bad luck … Wiktionary
tough luck — bad fortune … English contemporary dictionary
tough´ness — tough «tuhf», adjective, adverb, noun, verb. –adjective. 1. bending without breaking: »Leather is tough; cardboard is not. 2. hard to cut, tear, or chew: »The steak was so tough, I couldn t eat it. 3. stiff; sticky: »tough clay … Useful english dictionary