Смотреть что такое "touch-typing" в других словарях:
Touch typing — is typing without using the sense of sight to find the keys. Specifically, a touch typist will know their location through muscle memory. Touch typing usuallyWW places the eight fingers in a horizontal row along the middle of the keyboard (the… … Wikipedia
touch-typing — touchˈ typing noun • • • Main Entry: ↑touch … Useful english dictionary
touch typing — aklasis teksto rinkimas statusas T sritis informatika apibrėžtis Teksto rinkimas nežiūrint į ↑klaviatūrą. Renkama visais abiejų rankų pirštais. Kiekvienas klavišas turi jam spausti skirtą pirštą. Kiekvienas pirštas, išskyrus nykščius, turi… … Enciklopedinis kompiuterijos žodynas
touch typing — typing without looking at the keyboard … English contemporary dictionary
touch-typing — noun A technique of using the keyboard of a computer or typewriter in which the typist operates the keys without needing to look at the keyboard, knowing by heart the keys being allocated to each finger and the space bar to the thumb. Ant: hunt… … Wiktionary
touch typing — noun typewriting in which the fingers are trained to hit particular keys; typist can read and type at the same time • Syn: ↑touch system • Hypernyms: ↑typing, ↑typewriting … Useful english dictionary
touch typing — noun Typing without the use of sight to identify the keyboard keys … Wiktionary
touch-typing — noun type using all of one s fingers and without looking at the keys. → touch type … English new terms dictionary
touch-type — ☆ touch type [tuch′tīp΄ ] vi. touch typed, touch typing to type by means of the touch system touch typist n … English World dictionary
touch-type — touch typist, n. /tuch tuyp /, v.i., touch typed, touch typing. to type by means of the touch system. [1940 45, Amer.] * * * … Universalium
Typing — notebook keyboardTyping is the process of inputting text into a device, such as a typewriter, computer, or a calculator, by pressing keys on a keyboard. It can be distinguished from other means of input, such as the use of pointing devices like… … Wikipedia