totally reducible

totally reducible
мат. вполне приводимый

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "totally reducible" в других словарях:

  • Dualism (philosophy of mind) — René Descartes s illustration of dualism. Inputs are passed on by the sensory organs to the epiphysis in the brain and from there to the immaterial spirit. In philosophy of mind, dualism is a set of views about the relationship between mind and… …   Wikipedia

  • logic, history of — Introduction       the history of the discipline from its origins among the ancient Greeks to the present time. Origins of logic in the West Precursors of ancient logic       There was a medieval tradition according to which the Greek philosopher …   Universalium

  • Critical theory — Horkheimer, Adorno, Habermas David Rasmussen HEGEL, MARX AND THE IDEA OF A CRITICAL THEORY Critical theory1 is a metaphor for a certain kind of theoretical orientation which owes its origin to Hegel and Marx, its systematization to Horkheimer and …   History of philosophy

  • metaphysics — /met euh fiz iks/, n. (used with a sing. v.) 1. the branch of philosophy that treats of first principles, includes ontology and cosmology, and is intimately connected with epistemology. 2. philosophy, esp. in its more abstruse branches. 3. the… …   Universalium

  • Hermeneutics — Gadamer and Ricoeur G.B.Madison THE HISTORICAL BACKGROUND: ROMANTIC HERMENEUTICS Although the term ‘hermeneutics’ (hermeneutica) is, in its current usage, of early modern origin,1 the practice it refers to is as old as western civilization itself …   History of philosophy

  • Heegaard splitting — In the mathematical field of geometric topology, a Heegaard splitting is a decomposition of a compact oriented 3 manifold that results from dividing it into two handlebodies. The importance of Heegaard splittings has grown in recent years as more …   Wikipedia

  • Random self-reducibility — (RSR): A good algorithm for the average case implies a good algorithm for the worst case. RSR is the ability to solve all instances of a problem by solving a large fraction of the instances.DefinitionIf a function f evaluating any instance x can… …   Wikipedia

  • Holonomy — Parallel transport on a sphere depends on the path. Transporting from A → N → B → A yields a vector different from the initial vector. This failure to return to the initial vector is measured by the holonomy of the connection. In differential… …   Wikipedia

  • Philosophy of mind — A phrenological mapping[1] of the brain. Phrenology was among the first attempts to correlate mental functions with specific parts of the brain. Philosophy of mind is a branch of philosophy that studies the nature of the mind, mental even …   Wikipedia

  • literature — /lit euhr euh cheuhr, choor , li treuh /, n. 1. writings in which expression and form, in connection with ideas of permanent and universal interest, are characteristic or essential features, as poetry, novels, history, biography, and essays. 2.… …   Universalium

  • Holism — Distinguish from the suffix holism, which describes addictions. Holism (from gr. ὅλος holos , a Greek word meaning all , entire , total ) is the idea that all the properties of a given system (biological, chemical, social, economic, mental,… …   Wikipedia

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