total temperature

total temperature
суммарная температура

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "total temperature" в других словарях:

  • total temperature — The temperature of a fluid that is stopped from its motion. It is the sum of the static temperature of the fluid and the temperature caused by the ram effect as the fluid is stopped …   Aviation dictionary

  • total-temperature limiter — A protective device in the engine that prevents engine overheating. When the maximum temperature is reached in the jet pipe, thermocouples pass a signal to an amplifier, which limits the fuel stroke by reducing the pump’s servopressure …   Aviation dictionary

  • Total air temperature — is a term used generally in aviation. In other applications it is called stagnation temperature. Total air temperature is measured by a specially designed temperature probe mounted on the surface of the aircraft. The probe is designed to bring… …   Wikipedia

  • Total organic carbon — (TOC) is the amount of carbon bound in an organic compound and is often used as a non specific indicator of water quality or cleanliness of pharmaceutical manufacturing equipment. A typical analysis for TOC measures both the total carbon present… …   Wikipedia

  • température — [ tɑ̃peratyr ] n. f. • 1562; « tempérament » 1538; lat. temperatura, de temperare 1 ♦ Degré de chaleur ou de froid de l atmosphère en un lieu, lié à la sensation éprouvée par le corps et qui peut être exprimée par le thermomètre. La température,… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Température effective — Transfert de rayonnement Le transfert de rayonnement est le domaine de la physique décrivant l interaction du rayonnement électromagnétique et de la matière. Cette discipline permet notamment d analyser la propagation de la lumière à travers un… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • temperature — /tem peuhr euh cheuhr, choor , preuh , peuhr cheuhr, choor /, n. 1. a measure of the warmth or coldness of an object or substance with reference to some standard value. The temperature of two systems is the same when the systems are in thermal… …   Universalium

  • température de rayonnement total — visuminės spinduliuotės temperatūra statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. bolometric radiator temperature; full radiator temperature; total radiation temperature vok. Gesamtstrahlungstemperatur, f rus. болометрическая радиационная… …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • total radiation temperature — visuminės spinduliuotės temperatūra statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. bolometric radiator temperature; full radiator temperature; total radiation temperature vok. Gesamtstrahlungstemperatur, f rus. болометрическая радиационная… …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • température bolométrique — visuminės spinduliuotės temperatūra statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. bolometric radiator temperature; full radiator temperature; total radiation temperature vok. Gesamtstrahlungstemperatur, f rus. болометрическая радиационная… …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • temperature-sensitive mutation — (= ts mutation) A type of conditional mutation in organism, somatic cell or virus that makes it possible to study genes whose total inactivation would be lethal. Such ts mutations can also make possible studies of the effect of reversible… …   Dictionary of molecular biology

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