total loop flow

total loop flow
общий расход (теплоносителя) в петле

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "total loop flow" в других словарях:

  • Loop nest optimization — (LNO) is a special case of loop transformation, dealing with nested loops, that allows large reductions in the cache bandwidth necessary for some common algorithms.Example: Matrix multiplyMany large mathematical operations on computers end up… …   Wikipedia

  • Loop heat pipe — A loop heat pipe (LHP) is a two phase heat transfer device that uses capillary action to remove heat from a source and passively move it to a condenser or radiator. LHPs are similar to heat pipes but have the advantage of being able provide… …   Wikipedia

  • Microbial loop — The microbial loop describes a trophic pathway in the marine microbial food web where dissolved organic carbon (DOC) is returned to higher trophic levels via the incorporation into bacterial biomass, and coupled with the classic food chain formed …   Wikipedia

  • Demand flow technology — (DFT) is a strategy to define and deploy business processes in a flow, driven in response to customer demand. DFT is based on a set of applied mathematical tools that are used to connect processes in a flow and link it to daily changes in demand …   Wikipedia

  • Minor loop feedback — is a classical method used to design stable robust linear Feedback control systems using feedback loops around sub systems within the over all feedback loop.[1] The method is sometimes called minor loop synthesis in college text books,[2][3] some …   Wikipedia

  • City Loop, Melbourne — VictorianRailwayLineInfobox type = mel name = City Loop yearcommenced = 1971 yearcompleted = 1981 yearclosed = fate = lengthkm = stations = 5 tracks = 4 single bidirectional tunnels users = Connex Melbourne servicepattern = RollingStock = all… …   Wikipedia

  • Texas State Highway Loop 1604 — State Highway Loop 1604 Route information Length: 94.387 mi[1] (151.901 km) …   Wikipedia

  • City Loop — railway line, Melbourne Line details Commenced 1971 Completed 1981 Stations 5 …   Wikipedia

  • Coronal loop — Typical coronal loops observed by TRACE Coronal loops form the basic structure of the lower corona and transition region of the Sun. These highly structured and elegant loops are a direct consequence of the twisted solar magnetic flux within the… …   Wikipedia

  • Inner loop — In computer programs, an important form of control flow is the loop . For example, this small pseudo code program uses two nested loops to iterate over all the entries of an n times; n matrix, changing their values so that the matrix becomes an… …   Wikipedia

  • Plug flow reactor model — The plug flow reactor (PFR) model is used to describe chemical reactions in continuous, flowing systems. The PFR model is used to predict the behaviour of chemical reactors, so that key reactor variables, such as the dimensions of the reactor,… …   Wikipedia

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