total eigenspace

total eigenspace
мат. тотальное собственное пространство

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "total eigenspace" в других словарях:

  • Eigenvalues and eigenvectors — For more specific information regarding the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of matrices, see Eigendecomposition of a matrix. In this shear mapping the red arrow changes direction but the blue arrow does not. Therefore the blue arrow is an… …   Wikipedia

  • Eigendecomposition of a matrix — In the mathematical discipline of linear algebra, eigendecomposition or sometimes spectral decomposition is the factorization of a matrix into a canonical form, whereby the matrix is represented in terms of its eigenvalues and… …   Wikipedia

  • Measurement in quantum mechanics — Quantum mechanics Uncertainty principle …   Wikipedia

  • Weight (representation theory) — In the mathematical field of representation theory, a weight of an algebra A over a field F is an algebra homomorphism from A to F, or equivalently, a one dimensional representation of A over F. It is the algebra analogue of a multiplicative… …   Wikipedia

  • Liste deutscher Wörter im Englischen — Dies ist eine Liste deutscher Wörter, die ins Englische entlehnt wurden (z. B. Hamburger). In den meisten Fällen hat sich die ursprüngliche Bedeutung des entlehnten deutschen Wortes gewandelt. Die deutsche und englische Sprache entstammen… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Hilbert space — For the Hilbert space filling curve, see Hilbert curve. Hilbert spaces can be used to study the harmonics of vibrating strings. The mathematical concept of a Hilbert space, named after David Hilbert, generalizes the notion of Euclidean space. It… …   Wikipedia

  • Identical particles — Statistical mechanics Thermodynamics · …   Wikipedia

  • Eckart conditions — The Eckart conditions, [ C. Eckart, Some studies concerning rotating axes and polyatomic molecules , Physical Review,vol. 47, pp. 552 558 (1935).] named after Carl Eckart, sometimes referred to as Sayvetz conditions, [Aaron Sayvetz, The Kinetic… …   Wikipedia

  • Vertex model — A vertex model is a type of statistical mechanics model in which the Boltzmann weights are associated with a vertex in the model (representing an atom or particle). This contrasts with a nearest neighbour model, such as the Ising model, in which… …   Wikipedia

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