total count
Смотреть что такое "total count" в других словарях:
count — count1 [kount] vt. [ME counten < OFr conter < L computare,COMPUTE] 1. to name numbers in regular order to (a certain number) [to count five] 2. to add up, one by one, by units or groups, so as to get a total [count the money] 3. to check by … English World dictionary
count — 1. verb 1) Vern counted the money again Syn: add up, add together, reckon up, total, tally, calculate, compute, tot up; census; formal enumerate; dated cast up 2) a company with 250 employees, not counting overseas staff Syn: in … Thesaurus of popular words
count up — [verb] add, reckon up, sum, tally, total * * * ˌcount ˈup [transitive] [present tense I/you/we/they count up he/she/it counts up present participle counting up … Useful english dictionary
count — vb 1 Count, tell, enumerate, number are comparable when they mean to ascertain the total of units in a collection by noting one after another or one group after another. Count (see also RELY) implies computation of a total by assigning to each… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
count — Ⅰ. count [1] ► VERB 1) determine the total number of. 2) recite numbers in ascending order. 3) take into account; include. 4) regard or be regarded as possessing a quality or fulfilling a role: people she had counted as her friends. 5) be… … English terms dictionary
Count Duckula — Genre Animated series Created by Cosgrove Hall Directed by Chris Randall … Wikipedia
count — [n] tally; number calculation, computation, enumeration, numbering, outcome, poll, reckoning, result, sum, toll, total, whole; concept 766 Ant. estimate, guess count [v1] add, check in order add up, calculate, cast, cast up, cipher, compute,… … New thesaurus
Count Your Blessings (Bring Me the Horizon album) — Count Your Blessings Studio album by Bring Me the Horizon Released October 30, 2006 (UK) … Wikipedia
Total Viable Count — (TVC) gives a quantitative idea about the presence of microorganisms such as bacteria, yeast and mold in a sample. To be specific, the count actually represents the number of colony forming units (cfu) per g ( or per ml) of the sample. See also * … Wikipedia
count toward/towards — [phrasal verb] count toward/towards (something) or count (something) toward/towards (something) : to have value as a credit or payment in relation to (something) The credits you earned for this class count toward your degree. [=they are added to… … Useful english dictionary
Count Three & Pray — Studio album by Berlin Released October 13, 1986 … Wikipedia