total absorption
Смотреть что такое "total absorption" в других словарях:
total absorption — visiškoji sugertis statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. total absorption vok. Gesamtabsorption, f; Totalabsorption, f rus. полное поглощение, n pranc. absorption globale, f; absorption totale, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
total absorption — visiškoji sugertis statusas T sritis Standartizacija ir metrologija apibrėžtis Sugertis, kai visa terpės sugerta elektromagnetinė energija virsta kitų rūšių energija. atitikmenys: angl. total absorption vok. Gesamtabsorption, f; Totalabsorption,… … Penkiakalbis aiškinamasis metrologijos terminų žodynas
Total absorption costing — (TAC) is a method of Accounting cost which entails the full cost of manufacturing or providing a service. This includes not just the costs of materials and labour, but also of all manufacturing overheads (whether ‘fixed’ or… … Wikipedia
total absorption costing — See: absorption costing … Accounting dictionary
total absorption costing — See absorption costing … Big dictionary of business and management
absorption — [[t]əbzɔ͟ː(r)pʃ(ə)n[/t]] 1) N UNCOUNT: oft N of n The absorption of a liquid, gas, or other substance is the process of it being soaked up or taken in. This controls the absorption of liquids... Vitamin C increases the absorption of iron from… … English dictionary
absorption costing — full absorption costing; = total absorption costing The cost accounting system in which the overheads of an organization are charged to the production by means of the process of absorption. Costs are first apportioned to cost centres, where they… … Accounting dictionary
absorption costing — full absorption costing; total absorption costing The cost accounting system in which the overheads of an organization are charged to the production by means of the process of absorption Costs are first apportioned to cost centres, where they are … Big dictionary of business and management
absorption — noun 1) the absorption of water Syn: soaking up, sucking up; technical osmosis 2) by 1543, Scottish fears of absorption by England were allayed Syn: incorporation, assimilation, integration, appropriation, inclusion 3) her total absorption i … Thesaurus of popular words
absorption globale — visiškoji sugertis statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. total absorption vok. Gesamtabsorption, f; Totalabsorption, f rus. полное поглощение, n pranc. absorption globale, f; absorption totale, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
absorption totale — visiškoji sugertis statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. total absorption vok. Gesamtabsorption, f; Totalabsorption, f rus. полное поглощение, n pranc. absorption globale, f; absorption totale, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas