
торовидный, торообразный

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "torus-shaped" в других словарях:

  • torus — [tō′rəs, tôr′əs] n. pl. tori [tôr′rī΄, tôr′ī] [L, a bulge, muscle] 1. Anat. any rounded projection or swelling 2. Archit. a large, convex molding used at the base of columns, etc., just above the plinth 3. Bot. a) RECEPTACLE (sense 3a) …   English World dictionary

  • torus — 1. [TA] A rounded swelling, such as that caused by a contracting muscle. SYN: elevation [TA]. 2. A geometric figure formed by the revolution of a circle around the base of any of its arcs, such as the convex molding at the base of a pillar. [L.… …   Medical dictionary

  • torus — noun (plural tori) Etymology: New Latin, from Latin, protuberance, bulge, torus molding Date: 1563 1. a large molding of convex profile commonly occurring as the lowest molding in the base of a column 2. the thickening of a membrane closing a… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • torus — n.; pl. tori [L. torus, swelling] 1. A blunt, rounded, ridge or protuberance. 2. (ANNELIDA: Polychaeta) Low ridges provided with rows of acicular hooks or minute setae or uncini. 3. (ARTHROPODA: Insecta) In Diptera, the pedicel of the antenna. 4 …   Dictionary of invertebrate zoology

  • torus — /tawr euhs, tohr /, n., pl. tori /tawr uy, tohr uy/. 1. Archit. a large convex molding, more or less semicircular in profile, commonly forming the lowest molding of the base of a column, directly above the plinth, sometimes occurring as one of a… …   Universalium

  • torus — [ tɔ:rəs] noun (plural tori rʌɪ or toruses) 1》 Geometry a surface or solid resembling a ring doughnut, formed by rotating a closed curve about a line which lies in the same plane but does not intersect it. 2》 a ring shaped object or chamber. 3》… …   English new terms dictionary

  • torus — to•rus [[t]ˈtɔr əs, ˈtoʊr [/t]] n. pl. to•ri [[t]ˈtɔr aɪ, ˈtoʊr aɪ[/t]] 1) archit. a large convex molding, semicircular in profile, commonly forming the lowest member of the base of a column, directly above the plinth 2) math. a) a doughnut… …   From formal English to slang

  • torus — The inner surface of a hollow doughnut shaped structure, especially found in automatic transmissions. See fluid coupling …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • torus — n. (pl. tori) 1 Archit. a large convex bun shaped moulding esp. as the lowest part of the base of a column. 2 Bot. the receptacle of a flower. 3 Anat. a smooth ridge of bone or muscle. 4 Geom. a surface or solid formed by rotating a closed curve …   Useful english dictionary

  • Stanford torus — The Stanford torus is a proposed design for a space habitat capable of housing approximately 10,000 to 140,000 permanent residents. It consists of a torus or donut shaped ring that is 1.8 km in diameter (for the proposed 10,000 person habitat… …   Wikipedia

  • National Spherical Torus Experiment — NSTX Type Spherical tokamak Operation date 1999– Major radius 0.85 m Minor Radius 0.68 m …   Wikipedia

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