torus function

torus function
мат. функция тора

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "torus function" в других словарях:

  • Zonal spherical function — In mathematics, a zonal spherical function or often just spherical function is a function on a locally compact group G with compact subgroup K (often a maximal compact subgroup) that arises as the matrix coefficient of a K invariant vector in an… …   Wikipedia

  • Algebraic torus — In mathematics, an algebraic torus is a type of commutative affine algebraic group. These groups were named by analogy with the theory of tori in Lie group theory (see maximal torus). The theory of tori is in some sense opposite to that of… …   Wikipedia

  • Madison Symmetric Torus — Infobox Magnetic Fusion Device name = Madison Symmetric Torus dev type=Reversed field pinch loc=Madison, Wisconsin, USA rad maj = 1.50 m rad min = 52 cm aspect = 2.88|The Madison Symmetric Torus (MST) is a reversed field pinch (RFP) physics… …   Wikipedia

  • Round function — In topology and in calculus, a round function is a scalar function , over a manifold M, whose critical points form one or several connected components, each homeomorphic to the circle S1, also called critical loops. They are special cases of… …   Wikipedia

  • Dehn function — In the mathematical subject of geometric group theory, a Dehn function, named after Max Dehn, is an optimal function associated to a finite group presentation which bounds the area of a relation in that group (that is a freely reduced word in the …   Wikipedia

  • Schwartz-Bruhat function — In mathematics, a Schwartz Bruhat function is a function on a locally compact abelian group, such as the adeles, that generalizes a Schwartz function on a real vector space. A tempered distribution is defined as a continuous linear functional on… …   Wikipedia

  • Riemann surface — For the Riemann surface of a subring of a field, see Zariski–Riemann space. Riemann surface for the function ƒ(z) = √z. The two horizontal axes represent the real and imaginary parts of z, while the vertical axis represents the real… …   Wikipedia

  • Morse theory — Morse function redirects here. In another context, a Morse function can also mean an anharmonic oscillator: see Morse potential In differential topology, the techniques of Morse theory give a very direct way of analyzing the topology of a… …   Wikipedia

  • Abelian variety — In mathematics, particularly in algebraic geometry, complex analysis and number theory, an Abelian variety is a projective algebraic variety that is at the same time an algebraic group, i.e., has a group law that can be defined by regular… …   Wikipedia

  • LSm — s.The Sm proteins were first discovered as antigens in a patient with a form of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), a debilitating autoimmune disease. They were named Sm proteins in honor of this patient, Stephanie Smith. Other proteins with very …   Wikipedia

  • Differential geometry of surfaces — Carl Friedrich Gauss in 1828 In mathematics, the differential geometry of surfaces deals with smooth surfaces with various additional structures, most often, a Riemannian metric. Surfaces have been extensively studied from various perspectives:… …   Wikipedia

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