Смотреть что такое "tortellini" в других словарях:
Tortellini — Tortellini … Deutsch Wörterbuch
Tortellini — is a variety of ring shaped pasta. They are typically stuffed with a mix of meat (pork loin, prosciutto crudo and mortadella). Originally from the Italian region of Emilia (in particular Bologna and Modena), they are usually served in broth, with … Wikipedia
Tortellini — Eine Portion Tortellini Tortellini … Deutsch Wikipedia
Tortellini — en su propio caldo de pollo Tortellini en caldo … Wikipedia Español
tortellini — [ tɔrtelini ] n. m. • mil. XXe; mot it., plur. de tortellino ♦ Au plur. Pâtes alimentaires farcies d un hachis d herbes ou de viande et façonnées en petites couronnes torsadées. Des tortellinis. ● tortellini nom masculin pluriel (italien… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Tortellini — en bouillon Les tortel … Wikipédia en Français
tortellini — 1937, from Italian, plural of tortellino, dim. of tortello cake, fritter, itself a dim. of torta (see TORTE (Cf. torte)) … Etymology dictionary
tortellini — ► NOUN ▪ small stuffed pasta parcels rolled and formed into small rings. ORIGIN Italian, from tortello small cake, fritter … English terms dictionary
tortellini — [tôrt΄ə lē′nē] n. [It (pl.), dim. of tortella, dim. of torta: see TORTE] pasta in tiny ring shaped or round pieces, filled with meat, vegetables, etc., and served with a sauce or in a broth … English World dictionary
tortellini — noun (plural tortellini; also tortellinis) Etymology: Italian, plural of tortellino pasta round, diminutive of tortello, from torta cake Date: circa 1911 pasta in the form of little ring shaped cases containing a filling (as of meat or cheese) … New Collegiate Dictionary
Tortellini — Tor|tel|li|ni 〈Pl.; ital. Kochk.〉 Gericht aus kleinen Nudelteigringen, die mit einer Fleisch od. Gemüsemasse gefüllt sind * * * Tortellini [italienisch, Verkleinerung von tortello »gefüllte Nudel«, »Pastetchen«], Singular Tortellino der, s,… … Universal-Lexikon