- torsel
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Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Torsel — Tor sel, n. (Carp.) A plate of timber for the end of a beam or joist to rest on. Gwilt [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
torsel — var. of TASSEL(2). * * * /tawr seuhl/, n. Building Trades. a beam or slab of wood, stone, iron, etc., laid on a masonry wall to receive and distribute the weight from one end of a beam. [alter. of TASSEL] * * * torsel /törˈsl/ noun A plate in a… … Useful english dictionary
torsel — /tawr seuhl/, n. Building Trades. a beam or slab of wood, stone, iron, etc., laid on a masonry wall to receive and distribute the weight from one end of a beam. [alter. of TASSEL] * * * … Universalium
torsel — tor·sel … English syllables
trousseau — [ truso ] n. m. • XIVe; torsel, trosselXIIe; de trousse 1 ♦ Vx Paquet, faisceau. (1596) Mod. Trousseau de clés : ensemble de clés réunies par un anneau, un porte clés. « M. de Coëtquidan sortit un trousseau de clefs, attachées [...] par une… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Torsal — Tor sal, n. (Carp.) A torsel. Knight. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
torsello — tor·sèl·lo s.m. OB 1a. piccola balla di tela 1b. panno arrotolato che si poneva sul capo per portare pesi; cercine 2. puntaspilli 3. punzone usato nella coniazione di monete o medaglie {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: 1332 37. ETIMO: dal fr. ant. torsel … Dizionario italiano
trousseau — nm. (de linge, de vêtements) ; linge, vêtements : TROSSÉ (Albanais.001, Annecy, Saxel.002, Thônes.004), trossi, treussi (Albertville), troussô (Villards Thônes), R.2 afr. trossel < torsel <paquet, pièce d étoffe> => Trousse ; patanku… … Dictionnaire Français-Savoyard
tassel — 1. n. & v. n. 1 a tuft of loosely hanging threads or cords etc. attached for decoration to a cushion, scarf, cap, etc. 2 a tassel like head of some plants, esp. a flower head with prominent stamens at the top of a maize stalk. v. (tasselled,… … Useful english dictionary
tas|sel — tas|sel1 «TAS uhl», noun, verb, seled, sel|ing or (especially British) selled, sel|ling. –n. 1. a hanging bunch of threads, small cords, beads, or the like, fastened together at one end; pendant. 2. any bunch of hairs, threads, or the like,… … Useful english dictionary