Torrential — Tor*ren tial, Torrentine Tor*ren tine, a. Of or pertaining to a torrent; having the character of a torrent; caused by a torrent . [R.] [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
torrential — (adj.) 1849; see TORRENT (Cf. torrent) + AL (Cf. al) (1) … Etymology dictionary
torrential — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ (of rain) falling rapidly and heavily. DERIVATIVES torrentially adverb … English terms dictionary
torrential — [tô ren′shəl, təren′shəl] adj. 1. of, having the nature of, or produced by, a torrent 2. like a torrent, as in violence or copiousness torrentially adv … English World dictionary
torrential — adjective 1. relating to or resulting from the action of a torrent torrential erosion torrential adaptations seen in some aquatic forms • Pertains to noun: ↑torrent • Derivationally related forms: ↑torrent 2. resembling a torrent in force and… … Useful english dictionary
torrential — /təˈrɛnʃəl/ (say tuh renshuhl) adjective 1. relating to or having the nature of a torrent: a torrential river of lava. 2. resembling a torrent in rapidity or violence: a torrential outpouring of anger and hatred. 3. falling in torrents:… …
torrential — adjective Date: 1849 1. a. relating to or having the character of a torrent < torrential rains > b. caused by or resulting from action of rapid streams < torrential gravel > 2. resembling a torrent in violence or rapidity of flow • torrentially… … New Collegiate Dictionary
torrential — torrentially, adv. /taw ren sheuhl, toh , teuh /, adj. 1. pertaining to or having the nature of a torrent. 2. resembling a torrent in rapidity or violence. 3. falling in torrents: torrential rains. 4. produced by the action of a torrent. 5.… … Universalium
torrential — adjective /təˈɹɛn.tʃəl,tɒɹˈɛn.tʃəl,tɔˈɹɛnt.ʃəl,təˈɹɛnt.ʃəl/ Coming or characterized by torrents; flowing heavily or in large quantities. A torrential downpour. See Also: torrent … Wiktionary
torrential — adj. Torrential is used with these nouns: ↑downpour, ↑rain … Collocations dictionary
torrential — tor|ren|tial [təˈrenʃəl, tɔ US to: ] adj torrential rain very heavy rain … Dictionary of contemporary English