Смотреть что такое "torah" в других словарях:
torah — torah … Dictionnaire des rimes
TORAH — (Heb. תּוֹרָה). The Term Torah is derived from the root ירה which in the hifil conjugation means to teach (cf. Lev. 10:11). The meaning of the word is therefore teaching, doctrine, or instruction ; the commonly accepted law gives a wrong… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Torah — • Signifies first direction, instruction , as, for instance, the instruction of parents, or of the wise Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Torah Torah … Catholic encyclopedia
TORAH — Le judaïsme se distingue des autres religions révélées par le fait qu’il place au centre de la révélation la T 拏rah , la « Loi ». Non qu’il faille confondre Loi et légalisme: à côté des prescriptions religieuses, éthiques et sociales, la T 拏rah… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Torah — To rah, Tora To ra, n.; pl. {Toroth}. [Heb. t[=o]r[=a]h.] (Jewish Lit.) (a) A law; a precept. A considerable body of priestly Toroth. S. R. Driver. (b) Divine instruction; revelation. Tora, . . . before the time of Malachi, is generally used of… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Torah — the Pentateuch, 1570s, from Heb. torah, lit. instruction, law, verbal noun from horah he taught, showed … Etymology dictionary
Torah — ► NOUN ▪ (in Judaism) the law of God as revealed to Moses and recorded in the Pentateuch. ORIGIN Hebrew, instruction, doctrine, law … English terms dictionary
torah — or tora [tō′rə, tôr′ə, tō rä′] n. [Heb tora, law < hora, to teach < root jrh, to cast, throw] Judaism 1. a) learning, law, instruction, etc. b) [usually T ] the whole body of Jewish religious literature, including the Scripture and the… … English World dictionary
Torah — Sefer Torah at old Glockengasse Synagogue (reconstruction), Cologne The Torah (English pronunciation: /ˈtɔːrə/; Hebrew … Wikipedia
Torah — Sefer Torah exposé à la synagogue de la Glockengasse, à Cologne La Torah (en hébreu תּוֹרָה, « instruction » ; en grec ancien Νομος … Wikipédia en Français
Torah — /toh reuh, tawr euh/; Seph. Heb. /toh rddah /; Ashk. Heb. /toh rddeuh, toy rddeuh/, n. (sometimes l.c.) 1. the Pentateuch, being the first of the three Jewish divisions of the Old Testament. Cf. Tanach. 2. a parchment scroll on which the… … Universalium