
ˈtɔpˈsaɪd нареч.
1) на палубе
2) в главенствующей роли часто pl (морское) надводный борт;
надстройка (корабля) ;
вторая средняя палуба надстроечный, относящийся к надстройке (корабля) ;
палубный (разговорное) самого высокого уровня;
занимающий ключевое положение, высокопоставленный;
самый важный - * people люди, стоящие у руля управления на палубе (разговорное) в главенствующей роли, на первом плане - to sit * at the table сидеть во главе стола topside в главенствующей роли ~ на палубе

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "topside" в других словарях:

  • topside — ► NOUN 1) Brit. the outer side of a round of beef. 2) the upper part of a ship s side, above the waterline …   English terms dictionary

  • topside — [täp′sīd΄] n. [usually pl.] the part of a ship s side above the waterline adv. on or to an upper deck or the main deck of a ship …   English World dictionary

  • Topside — thumb|right|270px|Warren Digne doing a Topside Soul Trick at the NL Contest 2006 (France).Photo : David DurrenbergerTopside is a variation on soul based tricks done in the sport of Aggressive Inline Skating.When a normal soul based trick is done… …   Wikipedia

  • topside — [[t]tɒ̱psaɪd[/t]] topsides 1) N UNCOUNT Topside is a joint of beef that is cut from the upper part of the cow s leg. It is usually cooked by roasting or stewing. [BRIT] (in AM, use top round) 2) ADV: ADV after v On a ship, if you go topside, you… …   English dictionary

  • topside — /top suyd /, n. 1. the upper side. 2. Usually, topsides. Naut. the outer surface of a hull above the water. 3. the most authoritative position or level. 4. Chiefly Brit. a cut of beef similar to a U.S. rump roast. Cf. silverside (def. 1). 5. Brit …   Universalium

  • topside — top|side1 [ˈtɔpsaıd US ˈta:p ] n [U] BrE high quality ↑beef cut from the upper leg of the cow American Equivalent: top round topside 2 topside2 also top|sides [ saıdz] adv towards or onto the ↑deck (=upper surface) of a boat or ship …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • topside — top|side1 [ tap,saıd ] adjective, adverb on or relating to the DECK of a ship topside top|side 2 [ tap,saıd ] noun uncount BRITISH TOP ROUND …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • topside — top•side [[t]ˈtɒpˌsaɪd[/t]] n. 1) the upper side 2) naut. navig. Usu., topsides. the outer surface of a hull above the water 3) the most authoritative position or level 4) of, pertaining to, or located on the topside 5) of the most authoritative… …   From formal English to slang

  • Topside-Sondierung —   [ tɔpsaɪd ; englisch topside »obere Bordwand«], Untersuchung der Ionosphäre von einem Satelliten aus, dessen Bahn oberhalb der Ionosphärenschichten verläuft. Dabei wird mit einer eingebauten Ionosonde die Impulssondierung vertikal nach unten… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • topside sounder — topside sounder, any one of a series of artificial satellites designed jointly by the United States and Canada to obtain data on the ionosphere by measuring the reflected signals of radio waves beamed down into the atmosphere …   Useful english dictionary

  • topside-turn — see topsy turn …   Useful english dictionary

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