- toponym
- топоним
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Toponym — Top o*nym, n. 1. A name of a place. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] 2. a name, as in the binomial name of a plant, based on, or derived from, a place name, or based on the location of the thing named. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
toponym — (n.) 1939, from comb. form of Gk. topos place + onym name (see NAME (Cf. name) (n.)). Toponymy study of place names is from 1876 … Etymology dictionary
toponym — [täp′ə nim΄] n. [back form. < TOPONYMY] 1. a name of a place 2. a name that indicates origin, natural locale, etc., as in zoological nomenclature … English World dictionary
Toponym — Die Toponomastik, auch Toponymie (von griech. τόπος, tópos, „Ort“ und ὄνομα, ónoma, „Name“), deutsch Ortsnamenkunde beziehungsweise Ortsnamenforschung, beschäftigt sich als Teilgebiet der allgemeinen Namenforschung und der Sprachgeographie mit… … Deutsch Wikipedia
toponym — noun Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary, back formation from toponymy Date: 1899 place name … New Collegiate Dictionary
toponym — a scientific name based on a locality or the place name itself … Dictionary of ichthyology
toponym — n. [Gr. topos, place; onoma, name] The name of a location thought to be the place of origin of a plant or animal … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
toponym — /top euh nim/, n. 1. a place name. 2. a name derived from the name of a place. [1890 95; TOP + ONYM, or by back formation from TOPONOMY] * * * … Universalium
toponym — noun a) a place name b) a word derived from the name of a place … Wiktionary
toponym — A regional term; one designating a region as distinguished from the name of a structure, system, or organ. [topo + G. onyma, name] * * * topo·nym (topґo nim) the name of a region as distinguished from an organ … Medical dictionary
Toponym — Ortsname; Örtlichkeitsname; Ortseigenname … Universal-Lexikon