topological transformation

topological transformation
мат. топологическое преобразование

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "topological transformation" в других словарях:

  • topological transformation — noun Date: 1946 homeomorphism …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • topological transformation — Math. homeomorphism (def. 2). [1945 50] * * * …   Universalium

  • topological transformation — noun : homeomorphism 2 * * * Math. homeomorphism (def. 2). [1945 50] …   Useful english dictionary

  • Topological quantum computer — A topological quantum computer is a theoretical quantum computer that employs two dimensional quasiparticles called anyons, whose world lines cross over one another to form braids in a three dimensional spacetime (i.e., one temporal plus two… …   Wikipedia

  • Topological defect — Also see base concepts: topology, differential equations, quantum theory condensed matter physics .In mathematics and physics, a topological soliton or a topological defect is a solution of a system of partial differential equations or of a… …   Wikipedia

  • Topological dynamics — In mathematics, topological dynamics is a branch of the theory of dynamical systems in which qualitative, or asymptotic properties of dynamical systems are studied from the viewpoint of general topology. The central object of study in topological …   Wikipedia

  • Topological skeleton — In shape analysis, skeleton (or topological skeleton) of a shape is a thin version of that shape that is equidistant to its boundaries. The skeleton usually emphasizes geometrical and topological properties of the shape, such as its connectivity …   Wikipedia

  • topological equivalence — noun : the relationship of two geometric figures capable of being transformed one into the other by a one to one transformation continuous in both directions * * * Math. the property of two topological spaces such that there is a homeomorphism… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Möbius transformation — Not to be confused with Möbius transform or Möbius function. In geometry, a Möbius transformation of the plane is a rational function of the form of one complex variable z; here the coefficients a, b, c, d are complex numbers satisfying ad − …   Wikipedia

  • Non-topological soliton — In quantum field theory, a non topological soliton (NTS) is a field configuration possessing, contrary to a topological one, a conserved Noether charge and stable against transformation into usual particles of this field for the following reason …   Wikipedia

  • Nielsen transformation — In mathematics, especially in the area of abstract algebra known as combinatorial group theory, Nielsen transformations, named after Jakob Nielsen, are certain automorphisms of a free group which are a non commutative analogue of row reduction… …   Wikipedia

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