topological stability

topological stability
мат. топологическая устойчивость

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "topological stability" в других словарях:

  • Topological string theory — In theoretical physics, topological string theory is a simplified version of string theory. The operators in topological string theory represent the algebra of operators in the full string theory that preserve a certain amount of supersymmetry.… …   Wikipedia

  • Topological sorting — Dependency resolution redirects here. For other uses, see Dependency (disambiguation). In computer science, a topological sort or topological ordering of a directed graph is a linear ordering of its vertices such that, for every edge uv, u comes… …   Wikipedia

  • Topological quantum number — In physics, a topological quantum number is any quantity, in a physical theory, that takes on only one of a discrete set of values, due to topological considerations. Most commonly, topological quantum numbers are topological invariants… …   Wikipedia

  • Non-topological soliton — In quantum field theory, a non topological soliton (NTS) is a field configuration possessing, contrary to a topological one, a conserved Noether charge and stable against transformation into usual particles of this field for the following reason …   Wikipedia

  • Structural stability — In mathematics, structural stability is an aspect of stability theory concerning whether a given function is sensitive to a small perturbation. The general idea is that a function or flow is structurally stable if any other function or flow close …   Wikipedia

  • Nucleon — For the Ford concept car, see Ford Nucleon. For the fictional power source in the Transformers universe, see Nucleon (Transformers). An atomic nucleus is a compact bundle of the two types of nucleons: Protons (red) and neutrons (blue). In this… …   Wikipedia

  • Topologically stratified space — In topology, a branch of mathematics, a topologically stratified space is a space X that has been decomposed into pieces called strata; these strata are topological manifolds and are required to fit together in a certain way. Topologically… …   Wikipedia

  • Whitney conditions — In differential topology, a branch of mathematics, the Whitney conditions are conditions on a pair of submanifolds of a manifold introduced by Hassler Whitney in 1965. A finite filtration by closed subsets F i of a smooth manifold such that the… …   Wikipedia

  • Andronov-Pontryagin criterion — The Andronov–Pontryagin criterion is a necessary and sufficient condition for the stability of dynamical systems in the plane. It was derived by Aleksandr Andronov and Lev Pontryagin in 1937.tatementA vector field dot{x} = v(x) with xin… …   Wikipedia

  • John Mather (Mathematiker) — John Norman Mather (* 9. Juni 1942 in Los Angeles) ist ein US amerikanischer Mathematiker, der sich mit Differentialtopologie beschäftigt, speziell der Singularitätentheorie („Katastrophentheorie“). John Mather 2005 in Oberwolfach Leben und… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • C. T. C. Wall — Charles Terence Clegg ( Terry ) Wall (born 14 December 1936 in Bristol, England) is a leading British mathematician, educated at Marlborough and Trinity College, Cambridge. He is an emeritus professor of the University of Liverpool, where he was… …   Wikipedia

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