top spindle

top spindle
верхний шпиндель прокатного стана

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "top spindle" в других словарях:

  • spindle — [spin′dəl] n. [ME (with intrusive d ) < OE spinel < spinnan, to SPIN] 1. a slender rod or pin used in spinning; specif., a) in hand spinning, a rounded rod, usually wooden, tapering toward each end, for twisting into thread the fibers… …   English World dictionary

  • Spindle (textiles) — Eve spinning, the spindle in her right hand: Hunterian Psalter, ca 1170 (Glasgow University Library) …   Wikipedia

  • Spindle (sculpture) — Infobox Sculpture title = Spindle artist = Dustin Shuler year = 1989 type = Assemblage height = 1500 inch = 600 city = Berwyn, Illinois museum = Cermak Plaza Spindle was a sculpture created in 1989 by artist Dustin Shuler. It consisted of a 50… …   Wikipedia

  • spindle — spindlelike, adj. /spin dl/, n., adj., v., spindled, spindling. n. 1. a rounded rod, usually of wood, tapering toward each end, used in hand spinning to twist into thread the fibers drawn from the mass on the distaff, and on which the thread is… …   Universalium

  • Potato spindle tuber viroid — Taxobox color = violet unranked classis = Subviral agents unranked ordo = Viroid familia = Pospiviroidae genus = Pospiviroid species = PSTVd subdivision ranks = Species subdivision = Potato spindle tuber viroidThe Potato spindle tuber viroid (… …   Wikipedia

  • dead spindle — Tail Tail, n. [AS. t[ae]gel, t[ae]gl; akin to G. zagel, Icel. tagl, Sw. tagel, Goth. tagl hair. [root]59.] 1. (Zo[ o]l.) The terminal, and usually flexible, posterior appendage of an animal. [1913 Webster] Note: The tail of mammals and reptiles… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Tail spindle — Tail Tail, n. [AS. t[ae]gel, t[ae]gl; akin to G. zagel, Icel. tagl, Sw. tagel, Goth. tagl hair. [root]59.] 1. (Zo[ o]l.) The terminal, and usually flexible, posterior appendage of an animal. [1913 Webster] Note: The tail of mammals and reptiles… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Brace (tool) — A brace or brace and bit is a hand tool used to drill holes, usually in wood. Pressure is applied to the top and the tool is rotated with a U shaped grip.The U shaped part is a kind of crankshaft. It gives the brace much greater torque than other …   Wikipedia

  • turbine — /terr bin, buyn/, n. any of various machines having a rotor, usually with vanes or blades, driven by the pressure, momentum, or reactive thrust of a moving fluid, as steam, water, hot gases, or air, either occurring in the form of free jets or as …   Universalium

  • turbine — tur•bine [[t]ˈtɜr bɪn, baɪn[/t]] n. mac any of various machines having a rotor, usu. with vanes or blades, driven by the pressure or thrust of a moving fluid, as steam, water, hot gases, or air, either in the form of free jets or as a fluid… …   From formal English to slang

  • Spinning mule — A pair of Condenser spinning mules. These have 741 spindles, being cut down from 133 feet (41 m) 1122 spindles they used to have up until the 24th Sept 1974, when they were retired from Elk Mill, Royton. The mule was built by Platt Brothers …   Wikipedia

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