top off

top off

1) заканчивать, завершать;
2) амер. праздновать, отмечать завершение (чего-л.)
3) заканчиваться, прекращаться
4) пополнять запас до нормы;
амер. дозаправлять
5) дозаряжать, перезаряжать to top off the batteryперезарядить аккумулятор
6) отделывать, украшать
7) с.-х. удалять ботву заканчивать, завершать;
увенчивать - to * the dinner with fruit закончить обед фруктами (американизм) праздновать, отмечать завершение (чего-л.) - to * a tower block праздновать завершение (строительства) большого жилищного массива /массива небоскребов/ заканчиваться, прекращаться - the business boom is topping off период делового бума /оживления/ приближается /близок/ к концу пополнять запас до нормы (американизм) дозаправлять - to * the oil /the tank/ дозаправить бензобак дозаряжать, перезаряжать - to * the battery перезарядить аккумулятор отделывать, украшать (сельскохозяйственное) удалять ботву

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "top off" в других словарях:

  • top-off — /top awf , of /, n. Australian Slang. a person who informs on another, often as if by accident or as a joke. [1940 45; n. use of v. phrase top off to inform (on someone)] * * * …   Universalium

  • top off — ► top off finish (something) in a memorable way. Main Entry: ↑top …   English terms dictionary

  • top-off — /top awf , of /, n. Australian Slang. a person who informs on another, often as if by accident or as a joke. [1940 45; n. use of v. phrase top off to inform (on someone)] …   Useful english dictionary

  • top off — verb 1. finish up or conclude They topped off their dinner with a cognac top the evening with champagne • Syn: ↑top • Hypernyms: ↑complete, ↑finish • Verb Frames …   Useful english dictionary

  • top off — phrasal verb [transitive] Word forms top off : present tense I/you/we/they top off he/she/it tops off present participle topping off past tense topped off past participle topped off 1) to finish something with a final activity or detail top… …   English dictionary

  • top off — PHRASAL VERB If you top off an event or period with a particular thing, you end it in an especially satisfactory, dramatic, or annoying way by doing that thing. [V P n (not pron)] He topped off his career with an Olympic gold medal... [V P n (not …   English dictionary

  • top off (something) — 1. to make something complete and satisfying. An incredible cherry pie topped off the meal. 2. to add enough liquid to make a container full. Rhodes refilled his glass and topped off Carey s. We have enough gas to get there, but we ought to top… …   New idioms dictionary

  • top off — {v.} To come or bring to a special or unexpected ending; climax. * /John batted three runs and topped off the game with a home run./ * /Mary hadn t finished her homework, she was late to school, and to top it all off she missed a surprise test./… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • top off — {v.} To come or bring to a special or unexpected ending; climax. * /John batted three runs and topped off the game with a home run./ * /Mary hadn t finished her homework, she was late to school, and to top it all off she missed a surprise test./… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • top\ off — v To come or bring to a special or unexpected ending; climax. John batted three runs and topped off the game with a home run. Mary hadn t finished her homework, she was late to school, and to top it all off she missed a surprise test. George had… …   Словарь американских идиом

  • top off — Synonyms and related words: accomplish, brim, bring to completion, bring to fruition, bunker, button up, cap, carry to completion, cater, charge, chock, clean up, climax, close out, close up, coal, complete, conclude, congest, consummate, cram,… …   Moby Thesaurus

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