top grade
Смотреть что такое "top grade" в других словарях:
top-grade — adjective surpassing in quality (Freq. 1) top grade ore • Syn: ↑high grade, ↑top quality • Similar to: ↑best * * * top grade «TOP GRAYD», adjective. of the highest grade or quality: » … Useful english dictionary
top-grade — / tɒp greɪd/ adjective of the best quality ● top grade petrol … Marketing dictionary in english
top-grade component — labai kokybiškas komponentas statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. top grade component vok. hochwertiges Bauelement, n rus. высококачественный компонент, m pranc. composant de haute qualité, m … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
Grade (climbing) — Rock climbing History Styles Technique Equipment and protection Grades (difficulty of climb) Terminology Belaying Abseiling … Wikipedia
grade — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 level/quality ADJECTIVE ▪ high, top ▪ a piece of high grade building land ▪ He still wants to play top grade football. ▪ low, poor … Collocations dictionary
top — 1. noun 1) the top of the cliff Syn: summit, peak, pinnacle, crest, crown, brow, head, tip, apex, vertex Ant: bottom, base 2) the top of the table … Thesaurus of popular words
top-notch — adjective, informal Rebecca is one of our top notch salespeople Syn: first class, first rate, top quality, five star; superior, prime, premier, premium, grade A, blue chip, blue ribbon, superlative, best, finest, select, exclus … Thesaurus of popular words
grade — grade1 [ greıd ] noun count *** 1. ) one of the levels of school in the U.S. that lasts one year. Students in the same grade are all about the same age: The topic is covered in the seventh grade. eighth grade students 2. ) a letter or number that … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
grade — I UK [ɡreɪd] / US noun [countable] Word forms grade : singular grade plural grades ** 1) a level of quality or importance Their wool is suitable for finer grades of cloth. top grade tennis rackets 2) a letter or number that shows the quality of a … English dictionary
top-quality — adjective surpassing in quality (Freq. 1) top grade ore • Syn: ↑high grade, ↑top grade • Similar to: ↑best … Useful english dictionary
top — n 1. apex, vertex, summit, apogee, Latin, ne plus ultra; pinnacle, peak, crest, heights; tiptop, tip, point, spire. 2. crown, Anat. corona, headpiece, cap; steeple, belfry, cupola, loft, aerie; roof, ceiling, overlay, screen, lid; All Archit.… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder