Смотреть что такое "tootsy(-wootsy)" в других словарях:
tootsy-wootsy — /toot see woot see/, n., pl. tootsy wootsies. Slang. tootsie1. [1895 1900; redupl. of TOOTSY] * * * … Universalium
tootsy-wootsy — |tu̇tsē|wu̇tsē noun ( es) Etymology: by reduplication : tootsie 1 … Useful english dictionary
sweetheart — n sweet, sweetie, Archaic. leman, Sl. sweet patootie, Sl. tootsie, Sl. tootsy wootsy, Fr. petit chou, Fr. chou chou, Fr. poulet, Fr. ma petite; honey, Inf. honeybun, Inf. sugar, Inf. sugar pie, darling, beloved, dear, dear one, dearest;… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
truelove — n 1. sweetheart, sweet, sweetie, love, beloved, love of one s life; darling, dear, dear one, dearest, honey, Inf. honeybun, Inf. sugar, Inf. sugar pie; heartthrob, heart s desire, one and only; lover, paramour, Fr. intime, Inf. boyfriend, girl… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
tootsie-wootsie — /tʊtsi ˈwʊtsi/ (say tootsee wootsee) noun (in children s speech) a foot or toe. Also, tootsy wootsy …