Смотреть что такое "tonk" в других словарях:
Tonk — may refer to: * Tonk District, a district in Rajasthan state in western India ** Tonk, India, a town in the Tonk district ** Tonk (princely state), a former princely state before Indian independence * Tonk or Tank, Pakistan, a town in North West… … Wikipedia
Tonk — Tonk … Deutsch Wikipedia
tonk — /tongk/, n. a form of rummy for two or more players with deuces wild. [1920 25; cf. Brit., Australian tonk (informal) to strike, beat, defeat] * * * ▪ India city, eastern Rajasthan (Rājasthān) state, northwestern India. It lies just south… … Universalium
Tonk — Original name in latin Tonk Name in other language Tonk, Tonk City State code IN Continent/City Asia/Kolkata longitude 26.16638 latitude 75.78824 altitude 278 Population 151331 Date 2012 03 24 … Cities with a population over 1000 database
tònk — in tónk medm. (ȍ; ọ̑) posnema glas pri zvonjenju, udarjanju: tink, tonk, je zazvonilo pri vhodu; stenska ura bije: tink, tonk … Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika
Tonk — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Le Tonk est un état princier des Indes Le Tonk est un jeu de cartes Catégorie : Homonymie … Wikipédia en Français
tonk — noun a) Term used, primarily by US immigration officials in informal settings, to describe an illegal immigrant of any country. How much tonk have we got to shift? etym. uncertain. b) An item of value, or of perceived value, especially for sale … Wiktionary
Tonk — 1. homosexual male; 2. penis (from rhyming slang tonka bean = queen); 3. (cricket) powerful slog of the ball; 4. (cricket) give the ball a tonk (imitative) … Dictionary of Australian slang
tonk — Australian Slang 1. homosexual male; 2. penis (from rhyming slang tonka bean = queen); 3. (cricket) powerful slog of the ball; 4. (cricket) give the ball a tonk (imitative) … English dialects glossary
tonk — Verb. 1. To hit or kick hard. E.g. He tonked the football into the opposition s half of the pitch. 2. To have sexual intercourse. 3. To travel with speed and power. E.g. I m going to tonk it up the motorway tonight so that I can get to Newcastle… … English slang and colloquialisms
Tonk — Admin ASC 2 Code Orig. name Tonk Country and Admin Code IN.24.1254242 IN … World countries Adminstrative division ASC I-II