tone poem

tone poem
(музыкальное) симфоническая поэма

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "tone poem" в других словарях:

  • tone poem — n. SYMPHONIC POEM …   English World dictionary

  • tone poem — tone .poem n a piece of music that has been written to represent an idea, place, or story …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • tone poem — tone ,poem noun count a piece of classical music for an orchestra that tells a story or describes a place …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • tone poem — ► NOUN ▪ a piece of orchestral music, typically in one movement, on a descriptive or rhapsodic theme …   English terms dictionary

  • tone poem — noun an orchestral composition based on literature or folk tales • Syn: ↑symphonic poem • Hypernyms: ↑musical composition, ↑opus, ↑composition, ↑piece, ↑piece of music * * * ˈtone poem [ …   Useful english dictionary

  • tone poem — UK / US noun [countable] Word forms tone poem : singular tone poem plural tone poems music a piece of classical music for an orchestra that tells a story or describes a place …   English dictionary

  • tone poem — tone′ po em n. mad symphonic poem • Etymology: 1900–05 …   From formal English to slang

  • tone poem — noun Date: 1902 symphonic poem • tone poet noun …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • tone poem — noun A piece of symphonic music which, like a poem, has a narrative or descriptive theme Syn: symphonic poem …   Wiktionary

  • tone poem — Music. an instrumental composition intended to portray a particular story, scene, mood, etc. Cf. program music, symphonic poem. [1900 05] * * * …   Universalium

  • tone poem — noun a piece of orchestral music, typically in one movement, on a descriptive or rhapsodic theme …   English new terms dictionary

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