- toll-free
- прил.
1) свободный от пошлины, беспошлинный
2) не подлежащий оплате, бесплатный свободный от пошлины, беспошлинный не подлежащий оплате, бесплатный
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
toll-free — ˈtoll free adverb if you telephone a number toll free, you do not have to pay for the call toll free adjective : • Call this toll free number for details. * * * toll free UK US /ˌtəʊlˈfriː/ adjective US COMMUNICATIONS ► used to describe a system… … Financial and business terms
toll-free — adv AmE if you telephone a particular number toll free, you do not have to pay for the call >toll free adj ▪ a toll free number … Dictionary of contemporary English
toll-free — adjective AMERICAN a toll free telephone number is one that you can call without having to pay ╾ ,toll free adverb … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
toll-free — /tohl free /, adj. 1. made, used, provided, etc., without tolls or a charge: a toll free highway; a toll free phone number. adv. 2. free of charge: to call toll free. [1965 70] * * * … Universalium
toll-free — ADJ: usu ADJ n A toll free telephone number is one which you can dial without having to pay for the call. [AM] ADV: ADV after v Toll free is also an adverb. Call our customer service staff toll free. (in BRIT, use freefone) … English dictionary
toll-free — adverb AmE if you telephone a particular number toll free, you do not have to pay for the call toll free adjective: Call this toll free number for details! … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
toll free — /ˌtəυl fri:/ adverb, adjective US without having to pay a charge for a long distance telephone call ● to call someone toll free ● a toll free number COMMENT: Toll free numbers usually start with the digits 800 … Dictionary of banking and finance
toll-free — adjective having no toll levied for its use a toll free road a toll free telephone number • Pertains to noun: ↑toll … Useful english dictionary
toll-free — adjective or adverb Date: 1970 having or using a direct telephone line or number (as an 800 number) for a long distance call that is not charged to the caller < a toll free number > < called toll free > … New Collegiate Dictionary
toll-free — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} adj. Toll free is used with these nouns: ↑hotline, ↑number {{Roman}}II.{{/Roman}} adv. Toll free is used with these verbs: ↑call … Collocations dictionary
toll-free — UK / US adjective American a toll free telephone number is one that you can call without having to pay Derived word: toll free UK / US adverb … English dictionary