- tolerably
- терпимо, сносно и т. п. - a * well equipped university library неплохо укомплектованная университетская библиотека - I'm * well я вполне сносно себя чувствую
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
tolerably — index fairly (moderately) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
tolerably — tol|e|ra|bly [ˈtɔlərəbli US ˈta: ] adv [+ adjective/adverb] fairly, but not very much ▪ We were tolerably happy at first … Dictionary of contemporary English
tolerably — tol|er|a|bly [ talərəbli ] adverb FORMAL 1. ) in a way that is satisfactory but not very good: She rides tolerably well. 2. ) to a small degree but not very much: FAIRLY … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
tolerably — ad. 1. Supportably. 2. Passably, moderately, indifferently, so so, passably well, tolerably well, pretty well … New dictionary of synonyms
tolerably — adverb (+ adj/adv) fairly, but not very much: We were tolerably happy for the first year … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
tolerably — tolerable ► ADJECTIVE 1) able to be tolerated. 2) fairly good. DERIVATIVES tolerability noun tolerably adverb … English terms dictionary
tolerably — adverb in an acceptable (but not outstanding) manner she plays tennis tolerably • Syn: ↑acceptably, ↑so so • Ant: ↑intolerably, ↑unacceptably (for: ↑acceptably) … Useful english dictionary
Tolerably — Tolerable Tol er*a*ble, a. [L. tolerabilis: cf. F. tol[ e]rable. See {Tolerate}.] 1. Capable of being borne or endured; supportable, either physically or mentally. [1913 Webster] As may affect the earth with cold and heat Scarce tolerable. Milton … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
tolerably — adverb see tolerable … New Collegiate Dictionary
tolerably — See tolerability. * * * … Universalium
tolerably — adverb In a tolerable manner; of something that can be tolerated … Wiktionary