toby II
Смотреть что такое "toby II" в других словарях:
Toby — is a popular male name in many English speaking countries. It is also a popular name for Jewish women because of its similarity to the Hebrew name Tova. It is also a popular name for Yoruba women, however spelt Tobi.The name is often used in its… … Wikipedia
Toby — ist vor allem im englischen Sprachraum ein überwiegend männlicher Vorname.[1] Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Herkunft und Bedeutung 2 Bekannte Namensträger 2.1 Vorname … Deutsch Wikipedia
Toby — familiar form of masc. proper name TOBIAS (Cf. Tobias), in various colloquial usages, e.g. jug (1840), drinking mug in the form of a stout old man; as a type of collar (1882) it refers to that worn by the dog Toby in the 19c. Punch and Judy shows … Etymology dictionary
Toby — [tō′bē] n. pl. Tobies [< Toby, dim. of TOBIAS] a jug or mug for ale or beer, shaped like a stout man with a three cornered hat: also Toby jug … English World dictionary
Toby — To by, n.; pl. { bies}. [Perh. from the proper name.] A small jug, pitcher, or mug, generally used for ale, shaped somewhat like a stout man, with a cocked hat forming the brim. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Toby — m English: vernacular form of TOBIAS (SEE Tobias) … First names dictionary
toby — ● toby nom masculin Poisson des récifs coralliens, à corps triangulaire aplati latéralement, vivement coloré et prolongé par d amples nageoires, recherché par les aquariophiles. (Genre Zanclus ; famille des acanthuridés.) … Encyclopédie Universelle
Toby Ng — Tobias „Toby“ Ng (* 11. März 1991) ist ein kanadischer Badmintonnationalspieler. Karriere Toby Ng gewann 2008 die Panamerikameisterschaft. 2009 und 2011 wurde er kanadischer Meister. 2010 siegte er bei den Santo Domingo Open, Peru International… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Toby — Recorded as Tobey, Toby, Toobey, Tooby and possible others, this is an English surname. It is derived from the male personal name Tobias, the Greek form of the Hebrew name Torya, meaning The Lord is Good . Tobias and its derivatives were… … Surnames reference
toby — /toh bee/, n., pl. tobies. 1. Also, Toby, Toby jug. a mug in the form of a stout old man wearing a three cornered hat. 2. Older Slang. a long, slender, cheap cigar. [1830 40; generic use of proper name, short for Tobias] * * * … Universalium
toby — noun a drinking mug in the shape of a stout man wearing a three cornered hat • Syn: ↑toby jug, ↑toby fillpot jug • Hypernyms: ↑mug … Useful english dictionary