- toadeating
- лесть, низкопоклонство, угодничество;
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
fawning — adj 1. servile, slavish, obsequious, Obs. obsequent, subservient, menial, Obs., Rare. vernile; submissive, docile, unassertive, compliant, acquiescent, deferential, Tomish, Uncle Tomish, tractable, mealy mouthed; groveling, crawling, creeping,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
abject — Synonyms and related words: abominable, accepting, acquiescent, agreeable, apologetic, arrant, assenting, atrocious, backscratching, base, beggarly, bootlicking, cheesy, complaisant, compliable, compliant, complying, consenting, contemptible,… … Moby Thesaurus
apple polishing — Synonyms and related words: ass kissing, backscratching, bootlicking, brown nosing, cringing, fawnery, fawning, flunkyism, footlicking, groveling, handshaking, ingratiation, insinuation, mealymouthedness, obeisance, obsequiousness, parasitism,… … Moby Thesaurus
back scratching — Synonyms and related words: apple polishing, ass kissing, backscratching, barter, bootlicking, brown nosing, cringing, even trade, fawnery, fawning, flunkyism, footlicking, groveling, handshaking, influence peddling, ingratiation, insinuation,… … Moby Thesaurus
beggarly — Synonyms and related words: abject, abominable, arrant, atrocious, backscratching, bare handed, base, base minded, beggared, beneath contempt, bereaved, bereft, bootlicking, cheap, cheesy, common, contemptible, cowering, crawling, cringing,… … Moby Thesaurus
crawling — Synonyms and related words: abject, accumbent, alive with, all fours, ambling, amphibian, anguine, atiptoe, atmospherics, backscratching, batrachian, beggarly, blaring, blasting, blind spot, bootlicking, bristling, bursting, cautious, circumspect … Moby Thesaurus
fawning — Synonyms and related words: abject, adulation, adulatory, apple polishing, ass kissing, backscratching, beggarly, bland, blandishing, blandishment, blarney, blarneying, bootlicking, brown nosing, bunkum, buttery, cajolement, cajolery, cajoling,… … Moby Thesaurus
flattering — Synonyms and related words: abject, acclamatory, admiring, adulatory, appreciative, approbatory, backscratching, becoming, beggarly, bland, blandishing, blarneying, bootlicking, buttery, cajoling, commendatory, complimentary, courtierly, courtly … Moby Thesaurus
groveling — Synonyms and related words: abject, accumbent, apple polishing, ass kissing, backscratching, beggarly, bootlicking, brown nosing, couchant, couche, cowering, crawling, cringing, crouching, decumbent, draped, fawnery, fawning, flat, flattering,… … Moby Thesaurus
hangdog — Synonyms and related words: abashed, abject, ashamed, backscratching, beggarly, blushing, bootlicking, chagrined, chapfallen, cowering, crawling, crestfallen, cringing, crouching, crushed, embarrassed, fawning, flattering, footlicking, groveling … Moby Thesaurus
ingratiating — Synonyms and related words: abject, adulatory, apple polishing, backscratching, beggarly, bland, bootlicking, brown nosing, buttery, cajoling, cowering, crawling, cringing, crouching, deferential, disarming, fair spoken, fawning, fine spoken,… … Moby Thesaurus