- to turn over
1) превращать, переделывать
2) передавать (другому лицу)
3) иметь оборот
4) возобновлять, восполнять (запасы товаров)
5) обновлять полностью (напр. парк автомашин)
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
turn over — {v.} 1. To roll, tip, or turn from one side to the other; overturn; upset. * /He s going to turn over the page./ * /The bike hit a rock and turned over./ 2, To think about carefully; to consider. * /He turned the problem over in his mind for… … Dictionary of American idioms
turn over — {v.} 1. To roll, tip, or turn from one side to the other; overturn; upset. * /He s going to turn over the page./ * /The bike hit a rock and turned over./ 2, To think about carefully; to consider. * /He turned the problem over in his mind for… … Dictionary of American idioms
turn-over — ou turnover [ tɶrnɔvɶr ] n. m. • 1972; angl. turnover « rotation », de to turn over « se retourner, chavirer » ♦ Anglic. Écon. Taux de renouvellement du personnel d une entreprise. Le turn over des jeunes cadres. Des turn over, des turnovers. ♢… … Encyclopédie Universelle
turn over a new leaf — {v. phr.} To start afresh; to have a new beginning. * / Don t be sad, Jane, Sue said. A divorce is not the end of the world. Just turn over a new leaf and you will soon be happy again. / Compare: CLEAN SLATE … Dictionary of American idioms
turn over a new leaf — {v. phr.} To start afresh; to have a new beginning. * / Don t be sad, Jane, Sue said. A divorce is not the end of the world. Just turn over a new leaf and you will soon be happy again. / Compare: CLEAN SLATE … Dictionary of American idioms
turn over — [v1] give, transfer assign, come across with, commend, commit, confer, confide, consign, convey, delegate, deliver, entrust, feed, find, furnish, give over, give up, hand, hand over, pass on, provide, relegate, relinquish, render, supply,… … New thesaurus
turn over — /tə:rn oʊvə/, it. /tur nɔver/ (anche turn over e turnover) locuz. ingl. [comp. di turn giro, rotazione e over di nuovo ], usata in ital. come s.m. 1. (econ.) [suddivisione di un processo lavorativo in più turni di lavoro] ▶◀ [➨ turnazione]. 2.… … Enciclopedia Italiana
turn (N. Amer. also roll over or turn over) in one's grave — (of a dead person) be thought of as angry or distressed about something had they been alive. → grave … English new terms dictionary
turn\ over\ in\ one's\ grave — • turn (over) in one s grave v. phr. To be so grieved or angry that you would not rest quietly in your grave. If your grandfather could see what you re doing now, he would turn over in his grave … Словарь американских идиом
turn over — ► turn over 1) (of an engine) start or continue to run properly. 2) (of a business) have a turnover of. 3) change or transfer custody or control of. Main Entry: ↑turn … English terms dictionary
turn over something — ˌturn ˈover sth derived to do business worth a particular amount of money in a particular period of time • The company turns over £3.5 million a year. related noun ↑turnover Main entry: ↑turnderived … Useful english dictionary