to take out
Смотреть что такое "to take out" в других словарях:
take-out — take|out «TAYK OWT», noun. 1. that which is taken out or removed: »The city promised the takeout from the take home pay will decline to normal (New York Times). 2. a magazine article printed on full and successive pages and easily removable as a… … Useful english dictionary
take|out — «TAYK OWT», noun. 1. that which is taken out or removed: »The city promised the takeout from the take home pay will decline to normal (New York Times). 2. a magazine article printed on full and successive pages and easily removable as a unit:… … Useful english dictionary
Take-out — auch: Take|out 〈[tɛıkaʊt] m. 6 oder n.; od. s, 〉 1. 〈Sp.; Curling〉 Treffen des gegnerischen Spielsteins, so dass er vom Mittelpunkt des Zielkreises entfernt wird 2. = Take away [zu engl. take out „entfernen, wegnehmen“] … Universal-Lexikon
take out (something) — 1. to obtain an agreement to borrow money or financially protect your property. If you buy a house, you must take out fire insurance to protect you from loss. He took a loan out to buy the car. 2. to attack and destroy something. The army took… … New idioms dictionary
Take-out — 〈[tɛıkaʊt] n. od. m. od. s, s〉 1. 〈Sport; Curling〉 Treffen des gegnerischen Spielsteins, so dass er vom Mittelpunkt des Zielkreises entfernt wird 2. = Take away [Etym.: zu engl. take out »entfernen, wegnehmen«] … Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch
Take-out — предложение на покупку, сделанное продавцу ценных бумаг и составленное таким образом, чтобы вывести его с рынка этих ценных бумаг. См. также: Фондовые сделки Финансовый словарь Финам … Финансовый словарь
take out — take (someone/something) out to kill a person or group. With automatic fire, you can take out a whole enemy squad … New idioms dictionary
take out — index delete, distill, except (exclude), excise (cut away), exclude, expunge, extract, remove ( … Law dictionary
take out of context — index abstract (separate) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
take out of the place of interment — index disinter Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
take out — verb 1. cause to leave (Freq. 7) The teacher took the children out of the classroom • Syn: ↑move out, ↑remove • Hyponyms: ↑clear, ↑call in, ↑estrange … Useful english dictionary