to set up a store
Смотреть что такое "to set up a store" в других словарях:
set or lay store by — idi set or lay store by, to have regard for; value; esteem … From formal English to slang
set/lay/put store by — ► set (or lay or put) store by (or on) consider to be of a particular degree of importance. Main Entry: ↑store … English terms dictionary
set/lay/put store by/on — ► set (or lay or put) store by (or on) consider to be of a particular degree of importance. Main Entry: ↑store … English terms dictionary
set/lay/put store on — ► set (or lay or put) store by (or on) consider to be of a particular degree of importance. Main Entry: ↑store … English terms dictionary
set great store by (something) — set great/much store by (something) to believe that something is very important or valuable. I ve always set great store by his opinion. What would happen if this relationship that she set so much store by ended? … New idioms dictionary
set much store by (something) — set great/much store by (something) to believe that something is very important or valuable. I ve always set great store by his opinion. What would happen if this relationship that she set so much store by ended? … New idioms dictionary
store — ► NOUN 1) a quantity or supply kept for use as needed. 2) (stores) supplies of equipment and food kept for use by members of an army, navy, or other institution. 3) a place where things are kept for future use or sale. 4) chiefly N. Amer. a shop … English terms dictionary
set aside — vt 1: to disagree with and overturn (a decision or act of a lower tribunal) upon review: overrule vacate set aside the decree 2: to deprive of legal effect or force: annul void may set aside the contract … Law dictionary
Store manager — Contents 1 Roles and responsibilities 1.1 Sales generation 1.2 Safety and security … Wikipedia
set store by — phrasal : to consider valuable or trustworthy or worthwhile set store by dieting as a means to health convinced that the poorest people set the most store by family ties Irish Digest * * * set (or lay or put) store by (or on) consider (something) … Useful english dictionary
store — storer, n. /stawr, stohr/, n., v., stored, storing, adj. n. 1. an establishment where merchandise is sold, usually on a retail basis. 2. a grocery: We need bread and milk from the store. 3. a stall, room, floor, or building housing or suitable… … Universalium