- to sell up
- продавать с торгов, ликвидировать конкурсную массу
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
sell — W1S1 [sel] v past tense and past participle sold [səuld US sould] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(give something for money)¦ 2¦(make something available)¦ 3¦(make somebody want something)¦ 4¦(be bought)¦ 5 sell like hot cakes 6¦(idea/plan)¦ 7 sell yourself 8 sell… … Dictionary of contemporary English
Sell GmbH — Rechtsform GmbH Gründung 1954 Sitz Herborn … Deutsch Wikipedia
Sell — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Brian Sell (* 1978), US amerikanischer Leichtathlet Christian Sell (1831–1883), deutscher Maler Colin Sell (* 1948), britischer Pianist Eric Sell (* 1983), namibischer Musiker Friedrich L. Sell (* 1954),… … Deutsch Wikipedia
sell — [sel] vt. sold, selling [ME sellen < OE sellan, to give, offer, akin to Goth saljan, to offer (sacrifice): caus. formation in sense “to cause to take” < IE base * sel , to take, grasp > SALE, Gr helein, to take] 1. to give up, deliver,… … English World dictionary
sell on — To sell (what one has bought) to someone else • • • Main Entry: ↑sell * * * ˌsell ˈon [transitive] [present tense I/you/we/they sell on he/she/it sells o … Useful english dictionary
sell — ► VERB (past and past part. sold) 1) hand over in exchange for money. 2) deal in (goods or property). 3) (of goods) attain sales. 4) (sell out) sell all of one s stock of something. 5) (sell up) sell all of one s proper … English terms dictionary
sell — vb sold, sell·ing vt 1: to transfer ownership of by sale compare barter, convey, give 2: to offer for sale … Law dictionary
sell — O.E. sellan to give, from P.Gmc. *saljanan (Cf. O.N. selja to hand over, deliver, sell; O.Fris. sella, O.H.G. sellen to give, hand over, sell; Goth. saljan to offer a sacrifice ), perhaps a causative form of the root of O.E. sala sale. One of the … Etymology dictionary
Sell — (s[e^]l), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Sold} (s[=o]ld); p. pr. & vb. n. {Selling}.] [OE. sellen, sillen, AS. sellan, syllan, to give, to deliver; akin to OS. sellian, OFries. sella, OHG. sellen, Icel. selja to hand over, to sell, Sw. s[ a]lja to sell,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
sell-off — ˈsell off noun [countable] FINANCE 1. a situation in which many investors sell their bonds, shares etc, often very quickly: • In an otherwise calm market, there were steep sell offs in shares. 2. when a business, company etc is sold to another… … Financial and business terms
sell-out — ˈsell out noun [singular] MARKETING if a product, share offer, event etc is a sell out, it is very successful and lots of people buy it or go there, and no more products, shares, tickets etc are available: • The $200 million five year bonds were… … Financial and business terms