- to reverse an entry
- бух. сторнировать (исправить ошибочно сделанную запись)
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
reverse the charges — To charge a telephone call to the person who receives it instead of to the caller • • • Main Entry: ↑reverse * * * reverse the charges british phrase to make the person who you are calling on the telephone agree to pay for the call Thesaurus:… … Useful english dictionary
Reverse path forwarding — (RPF) is a technique used in modern routers for the purposes of ensuring loop free forwarding of multicast packets in multicast routing and to help prevent IP address spoofing in unicast routing. Contents 1 Multicast RPF 2 Unicast RPF (uRPF) 2.1 … Wikipedia
Reverse-transcriptase inhibitor — Reverse transcriptase inhibitors (RTIs) are a class of antiretroviral drug used to treat HIV infection, tumors,[1] and cancer.[2] RTIs inhibit activity of reverse transcriptase, a viral DNA polymerase enzyme that retroviruses need to reproduce.… … Wikipedia
reverse yourself — american phrase to change a decision that you have made, for example because people have criticized it Thesaurus: to change your opinion, attitudes or behavioursynonym Main entry: reverse * * * reverse yourself US formal : to change your decision … Useful english dictionary
Reverse Polish notation — (or just RPN) by analogy with the related Polish notation, a prefix notation introduced in 1920 by the Polish mathematician Jan Łukasiewicz, is a mathematical notation wherein every operator follows all of its operands. It is also known as… … Wikipedia
reverse-engineer — reverse engineering. /ri verrs en jeuh near /, v.t. to study or analyze (a device, as a microchip for computers) in order to learn details of design, construction, and operation, perhaps to produce a copy or an improved version. * * * reverse… … Useful english dictionary
Entry inhibitor — Entry inhibitors, also known as fusion inhibitors, are a class of antiretroviral drugs, used in combination therapy for the treatment of HIV infection. This class of drugs interferes with the binding, fusion and entry of an HIV virion to a human… … Wikipedia
reverse charges — reverse (the) charges UK (US call collect) ► COMMUNICATIONS to make a phone call that is paid for by the person who receives it: »Call me from the airport and reverse the charges. Main Entry: ↑reverse … Financial and business terms
reverse the charges — reverse (the) charges UK (US call collect) ► COMMUNICATIONS to make a phone call that is paid for by the person who receives it: »Call me from the airport and reverse the charges. Main Entry: ↑reverse … Financial and business terms
reverse a trend — reverse the/a trend ► to make a general development go in the opposite direction: »Holding the rate of duty will do little to reverse the trend towards cross border shopping. Main Entry: ↑trend … Financial and business terms
reverse the trend — reverse the/a trend ► to make a general development go in the opposite direction: »Holding the rate of duty will do little to reverse the trend towards cross border shopping. Main Entry: ↑trend … Financial and business terms