to place with
Смотреть что такое "to place with" в других словарях:
Place du Portage — is a large office complex in the Hull sector of Gatineau, Quebec, Canada, situated along Boulevard Maisonneuve and facing the Ottawa River. It is owned and occupied by the Federal Government of Canada.Place du Portage consists of four phases that … Wikipedia
Place management — is the process of making places better. This is practiced through programmes to improve a location or to maintain an already attained desired standard of operation. Place management can be undertaken by private, public or voluntary organisations… … Wikipedia
Place des Martyres (paintings) — Place des Martyres is the title of a series of over 250 watercolors and drawings executed in New York and Beirut between 1971 and 1974 by Nabil Kanso. [ Nabil Kanso: Place des Maryres: Works on Paper , 76th Street Gallery, Catalog, New York,… … Wikipedia
Place syntax — is a term in spatial analysis.There is great potential in combining geographically oriented accessibility research and geometrically oriented research in architecture, such as space syntax, as stated by for example, Jiang et alFact|date=May 2007 … Wikipedia
Place Montreal Trust — Place Montréal Trust is a shopping mall and skyscraper in Downtown Montreal, located west of the Eaton Centre, at the corner of Saint Catherine Street and McGill College Avenue. With over 320,000 square feet (29,729 m²) of stores and services,… … Wikipedia
Place identity — refers to a cluster of ideas about place and identity in the fields of geography, urban planning, urban design, landscape architecture, environmental psychology, and urban sociology/ecoological sociology. It concerns the meaning and significance… … Wikipedia
Place and route — is a stage in the design of Printed Circuit Boards, Integrated Circuits, and Field programmable gate arrays. As implied by the name, it is composed of two steps, placement and routing. The first step, placement, involves deciding where to place… … Wikipedia
Place Viger — was both a grand hotel and railway station in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, constructed in 1898 and named after Jacques Viger, Montreal s first mayor. Although combined stations and hotels were common in the United Kingdom in the late 19th century,… … Wikipedia
With You and Without You — was a book written by Ann M. Martin in 1986.Liza O Hara s family is abruptly confronted with the news that Mr. O Hara is dying from heart disease. After the initial shock the family unites to make his last months as enjoyable as possible… … Wikipedia
Place des Cordeliers à Lyon — The poster advertising the Lumière brothers cinematographe Directed by Louis Lumière … Wikipedia
Place Guillaume II — is a town square in Luxembourg City, in southern Luxembourg. The square lies to the west of Krautmaart and to the north of Boulevard Franklin Delano Roosevelt in the heart of Luxembourg s historic Ville Haute quarter. It is colloquially known as… … Wikipedia