to pay on delivery
Смотреть что такое "to pay on delivery" в других словарях:
pay down — Pay on the spot, pay on delivery … New dictionary of synonyms
delivery — de·liv·ery n pl er·ies: an act that shows a transferor s intent to make a transfer of property (as a gift); esp: the transfer of possession or exclusive control of property to another actual delivery: a delivery (as by hand or shipment) of actual … Law dictionary
Pay for performance (healthcare) — Pay for performance is an emerging movement in health insurance (initially in Britain and United States). Providers under this arrangement are rewarded for meeting pre established targets for delivery of healthcare services. This is a fundamental … Wikipedia
delivery — noun 1 act of delivering sth; goods delivered ADJECTIVE ▪ large, small ▪ express, fast, immediate, prompt, quick ▪ on time (esp … Collocations dictionary
Delivery month — For futures contracts specifying physical delivery, the delivery month is the month in which the seller must deliver, and the buyer must accept and pay for, the underlying. For contracts specifying cash settlement, the delivery month is the month … Wikipedia
Pay To Bearer — Any check or draft that can be transferred to the holder by delivery without having to be endorsed. As the name implies, pay to bearer refers to any negotiable instrument that is simply paid to the bearer without requiring proof of identity. Pay… … Investment dictionary
Pay To Order — A check or draft that must be paid via endorsement and delivery. Pay to order instruments are negotiable checks or drafts that are generally written as pay to X or order. These instruments stand in contrast to pay to bearer instruments, which do… … Investment dictionary
Equal pay for women — is an issue regarding pay inequality between men and women. It is often introduced into domestic politics in many first world countries as an economic problem that needs governmental intervention via regulation. The Equal Remuneration Convention… … Wikipedia
Online flower delivery — Part of a series on Electronic commerce Online goods and services Streaming media Electronic books Softwa … Wikipedia
non-delivery — in the law of sale, as it is the seller s duty to deliver the goods (See delivery), damages are due for failure to do so. Where the seller wrongfully neglects or refuses to deliver the goods to the buyer, the buyer may maintain an action against… … Law dictionary
Content delivery network — A content delivery network or content distribution network (CDN) is a system of computers containing copies of data placed at various nodes of a network. When properly designed and implemented, a CDN can improve access to the data it caches by… … Wikipedia