- to lay out
1) планировать
2) выделять средства
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Lay-out — auch: Lay|out 〈[lɛıaʊt] n. 15〉 Entwurf für Text u. Bildgestaltung [<engl. lay out „Anlage“] * * * Lay|out, Lay out [leɪ |a̮ut , auch: leɪ… ], das; s, s [engl. layout, eigtl. = das Ausbreiten, der Grundriss, zu: to lay out = ↑ aufreißen (5)]: 1 … Universal-Lexikon
Lay-out — Lay out, Lay·out [ leː|aut] das; s, s; die Anordnung des Textes und der Bilder in einer Zeitung, einer Zeitschrift oder einem Buch <das Lay out machen, anfertigen> || hierzu lay·ou·ten [ |autn̩] (hat) Vt / i … Langenscheidt Großwörterbuch Deutsch als Fremdsprache
Lay-out — auch: Lay|out 〈[lɛıaʊt] od. [′ ] n.; Gen.: s, Pl.: s〉 1. Entwurf für Text u. Bildgestaltung 2. räumliche Anordnung 3. 〈Wirtsch.〉 innerbetriebliche Standortplanung [Etym.: engl., »Anordnung, Planung«] Lay out / Layout: (Schreibung mit… … Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch
lay out — [v1] spend money disburse, expend, give, invest, lend, outlay, pay, put out, put up, shell out*; concepts 327,341 Ant. hoard, save lay out [v2] design, plan arrange, chart, diagram, display, exhibit, map, outline, set out, spread out; concepts 36 … New thesaurus
lay out (something) — 1. to arrange something. First the pictures are approved by the editor, then the designer lays them out on pages. 2. to plan or explain something very carefully and in great detail. Plans for the ceremony were laid out so well that everyone knew… … New idioms dictionary
lay|out — «LAY OWT», noun. 1. an arrangement; plan: »He studied the layout of the city and saw its commercial center surrounded by a girdle of working class sections (Edmund Wilson). 2. a plan or design for an advertisement, book, or other printed matter.… … Useful english dictionary
lay-out — s.m.inv. ES ingl. {{wmetafile0}} 1. TS industr. in un impianto industriale, un officina e sim., disposizione planimetrica dei macchinari e dei posti di lavoro studiata allo scopo di razionalizzare la produzione 2. TS industr. schema, diagramma… … Dizionario italiano
lay-out — /leiˈaut, ingl. ˈleɪˌaut/ [loc. ingl., propriamente «disposizione», da to lay «porre» e out «fuori»] loc. sost. m. inv. 1. (edit., in un bozzetto) disposizione, grafica 2. (industriale) grafico, schema □ planimetria … Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione
lay out — ► lay out 1) construct or arrange (buildings or gardens) according to a plan. 2) arrange and present (material) for printing and publication. 3) prepare (someone) for burial after death. 4) informal spend (a sum of money). Main Entry: ↑lay … English terms dictionary
lay out — index demonstrate (establish), devise (invent), disburse (pay out), invest (fund), manifest … Law dictionary
lay out — out / leiaʊt/, it. /lɛi aut/ locuz. ingl. (propr. esibire, esporre alla vista ), usata in ital. come s.m. 1. (industr.) [modo in cui i reparti, i macchinari e i posti di lavoro sono disposti nelle fabbriche, nelle officine e negli uffici]… … Enciclopedia Italiana